Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 1: Day 2

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
8 Single Arm DB Bench Press (Alternating)
8 Inverted Rows (Can be done holding onto a bar)
Max Front Plank Hold

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Back Extensions
8 Physioball Hamstring Curls

5 Rounds of:
100 yd Shuttles (Sprint 25 yds and back, 25 yds and back)
10 Burpees

Rest exactly 1:30 between rounds

Total time including rest

(Workouts should always be done in the order they are posted.  Today the assistance work should be done before the WOD.  Some days running will precede everything else so pay attention to the order.)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 1: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 65% x 5 reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more reps
* Incoming Freshman and Sophomores
* 3 sets of 10 reps
* Increasing weight each set if previous set was successfully completed

Assistance Work
Superset 1:
3 sets of each
8 Pistols to a Bench
8 Good Mornings

Superset 2:
3 sets of each
8 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
8 Weighted Pushups (weight on back)
8 Ab Rollouts (can be done with barbell)

Finish workout with forearm/grip work and stretching

*** A superset is a set of exercises that you alternate between in a set.  For example, in the first superset, you will do 8 pistols then 8 good mornings and that will complete set 1.  After a short rest you will start your second set.  In superset 2, you will do 8 db rows, then 8 weighted pushups, and then 8 ab rollouts to complete the first set.

Quick Notes Before We Start

Because I haven't gotten much feedback from guys on their maxes.  Not a huge deal because I know guys are still getting settled for the summer, but I do want you guys to understand that this whole program will work off of these maxes.  For those of you who send them to me, I will be able to help you understand what weights you should be lifting to start.

Also, these aren't 1 rep maxes that I want.  I want you guys to take 80% of what you think your max is and perform as many reps as possible at this weight for each of the core lifts.  You would then send me those numbers and I will calculate your max for each lift.

I will post workouts a little differently this summer.  The first day of the program will be listed as Week 1 Day 1, and continue counting days of the week until we reach week 2.  This is so that guys can all start the program at the very beginning and don't just randomly jump into it.

Incoming freshman and sophomores, the first 4 weeks of the program will be a little different for you guys.  I will what you will be doing on the core lifts each day, but other than that you will be following the assistance work each day exactly as it is posted.

I would like everybody following the program to post comments after each day.  The only things I want you to post are the weight and reps of your final set of a core lift (squat/deadlift/clean) and if there is a WOD you may also post your results if you'd like.

As always, if there are any questions, feel free to send me emails with questions and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.  I've been on the road on my way up to New York the past few days so I apologize if it's taken me a while to get back to you, but once I get settled in NY I should be quick to respond to any email.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Players in Summer Leagues

For those of you that are playing in summer leagues...

You guys will be on a slightly modified version of the program.  Because you guys are playing nearly every day, your bodies need rest and 4-5 days a week of lifting would be too much.

I still want you guys doing the work for the core lifts 3x per week.  Along with this, I also want you to get in some other assistance work much like we did in season.  Often times you will be able to follow a post for a particular day exactly as it is and be fine.  You have the freedom to add and take out what you want from the assistance exercises based on how your body feels.

You'll find that 3 days a week is very doable once you can get into a routine of working out in the morning, resting the afternoon and playing at night.  Be sure you are getting these lifts in to maintain strength while you're still playing.

With regards to running, mix in a some sprints a couple times every week to keep your legs fresh.  There will be some days where you get to the park early and these days are perfect to get a little running in.  If you guys have any other questions regarding lifting or anything else, feel free to call or email.

Good luck to all you fellas playing.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer 2010 Program

If you look to the right side of the page I added a page that explains the core of this year's summer program.  I want you all to read this and get back to me as soon as possible with the information I asked for.  This is something I want to keep track of all the way through the fall next year.

The program will have you guys in the weight room 4-5 times per week, with a core lift (back squat, deadlift, hang clean) 3 of those days.  Any day there is a core lift, you should do this lift at the very beginning right after your warmup so you are fresh.

I do want to implement a new system for warming up this year so everyone knows what a warmup should be like.  I still want you guys doing all the movement prep work (air squats, leg swings, etc.) before this, but once we get to a lift, your warmup should look like this:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 50%
3 reps @ 60%

After this you can then start your work sets.  I want you guys resting 3-5 minutes between sets while you are doing core lifts.  This may seem like a long time, but this is what your body requires to recover optimally between strength lifts.

The program will be somewhat similar to last year's, but more structured, as you can see everything is based on percentages of your calculated max.  We will still be doing CrossFit WOD's, but not as often as last summer/fall.  Most of the WOD's will be replaced with assistance work (pushups, dips, lunges, box jumps, etc).  

Any extra work you guys want to do is up to you, but I will say this... Listen to your bodies. If you start to feel fatigued on a day to day basis, your body telling you that you are overtraining, which quickly leads to injury.  I do encourage agility work and extra sprint work, but only if your body feels good on a particular day.

Finally, I really want you guys training your forearms hard this summer.  Grab a tennis ball and get to squeezing.  You don't even have to be in the weight room to get your hands stronger so I expect every person to come back with sick hand strength.  Believe me, it's one of the things I regret not training harder when I played and now I realize how valuable it would have been.

That's all for now, get me your numbers on your maxes and email them to me.  For those of you who don't have my address it is: