Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winter Workout 13

Low Box Squat
3 x 3

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
3 x 5 (135 lbs)

3 Way DB Lunge
3 x 3 each direction

DB Row
3 x 6 Heavy
Dips (Weighted if possible)
3 x 6 if weighted, 3 x max if not

1 arm/1 leg plank
3x max each side

Trace ABC's 2x w/bat each arm

Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter Workout 12

3 sets of (10) 30's w/9 secs rest between each sprint
- run at about 90% w/cleats

Winter Workout 11

5 Cone Drills x 6 each
Figure 8 x 6 reps

4 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Clapping Pushups
10 Overhead Alt. Lunges w/45 lb bar or plate (10 each leg)

Grip Strength
DB Forearm Curls 3 x 10 (HEAVY)
Plate Holds x 3

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Winter Workout 10

10 sets of 2 Hang Cleans at 60% of perceived max
-Looking to move bar as fast as possible

3 x 5 Good Mornings
3 x 5 Barbell Step Ups

4 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Overhead Squats @ 45 Lbs
15 Box Jumps

3 Rounds:
DB Rotations 10 each directions
10 Barbell Rev. Curl to Ext
5 Pinch Curls each arm

Winter Workout 9

(8) 5 yd. Starts
(5) 5-10-5 Agility Drills
(10) 20 yd Sprints w/a 10 yd Stride preceding the sprint
- Do ALL Sprint and Agility Work with Cleats on from now until the season starts

Med Ball work if you have one available
If not, mix in some russian twists and plank work

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Workout 8

Barbell Alternating Lunges
3 x 6 each leg
DB Side Lunges
3 x 6 each leg

Physioball  Ham. Curls
3 x 10
Back Extensions
3 x 15
1 arm/1 leg Plank
3 x max each side

30 Burpees, 2 min rest, 30 Burpees

Trace ABC's x 2 with bat
Squeeze a tennis ball/stress ball for at least 3 min each hand


Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Workout 7

12 sets of 2 reps with :45 rest between sets
- Do this at 50% of your perceived 1 rep max
- Each lift is to be done with the intention of accelerating the bar as quickly as possible each rep

3 x 5

3 Rounds:
7 Pike Pushups
7 Tricep Pushups
7 Regular Pushups

3 Rounds:
10 Pullups (Strict as many as possible)
10 Inverted Rows

Each Square Drill (p. 2) x 4

Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Workout 6

Hang Clean 5 x 3

Bench Press
6 sets of 3
- Choose a weight that is about 50% of your estimated 1 rep max and do 3 reps as quickly and explosively as possible

DB Forearm Curls 3 x 10 (HEAVY)
Plate Holds x 3

400m, 200m, 100m , 400m , 200m , 100m
-1 min  rest after 400m, 45 sec rest after 200m, 30 sec rest after 100m

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winter Training

When you guys get home and get back to training, try and get in at least 4 workouts in a week.  I know it's tough to find gyms that are open sometimes around the holidays, but you could always get a sprint or agility workout in on those days.  As always, you can add whatever you would like to these workouts, but you'll be more than ready for the Spring if you follow this Winter Program.

I'll do my best to post workouts that can be done with very little equipment needed so you guys don't have to modify too much.  Feel free to post a comment or email me with any questions or concerns.

Winter Workout 5

3 Rounds:
50 yd Lunge Walk
50 yd Broad Jump (Frog Jump)
200 yd Sprint

So you got the email from coach saying we will be running the 6 min mile when you guys get back to campus and I'm sure a good bunch of you guys are a little panicked thinking there's no way you'll make it.  What you don't want to do to train for this, is run a timed mile every couple days.  Sure your time might go down little by little each time, but this is a very inefficient way to train.  I would suggest running 200s, 400s, and 800s instead.

Here's the reasoning behind it using an article I found:

"A 50-second 400m runner should be able to cut a 5:00 mile with only a little additional training. You’re talking about sustaining 67% of his top speed. Compare that to a 55-second 400m runner; he’s running at over 73% of top speed to pull that off. A guy with a 60-second 400? He’s putting out nearly 80% to pull off the same 5:00 mile (a pace that is probably virtually impossible)."

Again, this only applies to those who think they need to train to run the 6 min mile (which by the way isn't really that hard if you are in decent shape), so I'm not telling everyone to do this.  Even still, I wouldn't spend more than a couple days a week training for this.  Here are a few sample workouts that will help you with this training:

(4-6) 400m sprints w/2 min rest b/w sprints
(8) 200 m sprints w/1 min rest b/w sprints
200, 400, 800, 400, 200 w/1:30 rest b/w sprints

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Workout 4


Superset 1
3 x 3 each direction 3-Way Lunge (Forward, Diagonal, Side)
3 x 5 Front Squat

Superset 2
3 x 8 Good Mornings
3 x 8 Reverse Hypers

Superset 3
3 x 8 Wtd Depth Pushups
3 x 8 Wtd Pullups
3 x 10 Ab Rollouts

Winter Workout 3

(8) 5 yd starts
(10) 30 yd Sprints
- Full Recovery

Do each 3 cone drill (p.1) 3x each

Friday, December 10, 2010

Agility Drills

Here are some agility drills that we will be using over the break.  You don't necessarily need cones to do these drills, any object can serve as a cone.  I'll let you know what drills we will be doing and when we will be doing them but feel free to use them as extra work whenever you want.

Winter Workout 2

5 Rounds:
7 Back Squats @ 135 lbs
7 Walking Lunges (7 each leg)
7 Knees 2 Elbows

Supermans x 50
Russian Twists 25 each side
V-Ups x 25

Winter Workout 1


Hang Clean   5,4,3,2

Superset 1
1 Legged Squat to Box
3 x 8 each leg
Step up to RDL
3 x 6 each leg

Superset 2
DB Row
3 x 6
Inverted Row
3 x 8

Superset 3
Wtd. Pushups
3 x 10
3 x 10

Standing Plate holds with arms hanging at side
3 x max hold