Sunday, May 30, 2010

Quick Notes Before We Start

Because I haven't gotten much feedback from guys on their maxes.  Not a huge deal because I know guys are still getting settled for the summer, but I do want you guys to understand that this whole program will work off of these maxes.  For those of you who send them to me, I will be able to help you understand what weights you should be lifting to start.

Also, these aren't 1 rep maxes that I want.  I want you guys to take 80% of what you think your max is and perform as many reps as possible at this weight for each of the core lifts.  You would then send me those numbers and I will calculate your max for each lift.

I will post workouts a little differently this summer.  The first day of the program will be listed as Week 1 Day 1, and continue counting days of the week until we reach week 2.  This is so that guys can all start the program at the very beginning and don't just randomly jump into it.

Incoming freshman and sophomores, the first 4 weeks of the program will be a little different for you guys.  I will what you will be doing on the core lifts each day, but other than that you will be following the assistance work each day exactly as it is posted.

I would like everybody following the program to post comments after each day.  The only things I want you to post are the weight and reps of your final set of a core lift (squat/deadlift/clean) and if there is a WOD you may also post your results if you'd like.

As always, if there are any questions, feel free to send me emails with questions and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.  I've been on the road on my way up to New York the past few days so I apologize if it's taken me a while to get back to you, but once I get settled in NY I should be quick to respond to any email.


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