Friday, October 30, 2009

Sat. 10/31

3 x 5 Weighted Pushups (Plate on back)
3 x 5 Weighted Pullups (DB Between legs or ankles) (These are strict pullups, no kipping)

4 Rounds:
20 Alternating Lunges w/45 lb plate held overhead (back knee must nearly touch the ground)
20 Box Jumps
20 Situps

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fri. 10/30

3 x 5 Front Squat

Partner Workout:
Dumbell Complex... The first round, each partner will do 6 reps of each exercise. Second round, each partner will do 5 reps...Then each partner will do rounds of 4, 3, 2, and 1. This is to be done for speed, but as always, with a focus on form. In case you need a reminder, here is the list of exercises, they are to be done in this order.

Snatch Left
Snatch Right
Thrusters (Deep Squat to Press)
High Pulls

I recommend doing a few of each during your warmup for a quick refresher.

Post: Individual Squat Weight and Team Metcon Time

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wed. 10/28

I've gotten a couple messages from guys saying they need a few more days rest before they get going again with the strength program.  My suggestion is to take a few days rest if you need it, but if you are ready to get going again, let's jump back into it.  Consider the rest of this week optional if you need the rest, but next week be ready to do work.

3 x 5 Deadlift
3 x 8 Good Mornings

100 Pushups
-Every time you touch the ground, run a 30 yd sprint and resume pushups until you complete 100.
-For example...50 in a row, touch the ground, sprint, 20, touch the ground, sprint, 20, touch the ground, sprint, 10, done.

Post Deadlift weight and MetCon time

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tue. 10/27

3 x 5 Back Squat

4 Rounds:
10 Overhead Squats
10 KB Swings
10 Pullups


Post: Squat Weight and MetCon Time

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day Off

1 more day til game 4 of the fall world series...

Until then, this is a pretty funny video made by a very respected powerlifting coach.  His name is Mark Rippetoe, I think I put a post up a while back with a bunch of his quotes on there...hilarious


Wednesday 10/21

2 x 20 Back Squat
- Rest 3 min between sets
- Make sure you're getting to depth each squat
- YOU decide on the weight

4 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Knees 2 Elbows
- Try and stay on the bar as long as possible without coming to the ground

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday 10/20

3 x 6 (each leg) Explosive Step Ups
-2 min rest between sets

3 Rounds of 15 each:
Hang Cleans (115 lb)
Inverted Row
- Scale hang clean weight as needed
- Just an suggestion... set up the inverted row on the opposite side of your platform near the mirrors.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday 10/19

Day off because of Fall World Series.  Back at it tomorrow...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sat 10/17

Optional workout...

Overhead Squats

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thursday 10/15

Be sure to get a good warmup in beforehand.  Each sprint should be max effort...

Repeat this set 4 times...
50 m
Rest 1 min
100 m
Rest 1 min
200 m
Rest 2 min

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday 10/13

2 x 3 Front Squat
2 x 3 Back Squat
- 2 min rest b/w sets

3 x 12 DB Walking Lunge (6 each leg)
3 x 6 Good Morning
3 x 10 Clapping Pushups
3x Max Front Plank
- Nothing is timed

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Monday 10/12

Position guys: Here is your workout schedule for the week...
Mon - On
Tues - On
Wed - Off
Thurs - On
Fri - Off
Sat - On
Sun - Off
Looks like we'll just have to make slight changes for the last couple weeks of the fall season, but I'll keep you posted.

Just a reminder... try and workout a few hours before practice.  Don't workout before practice if you're only going to have a short time to recover before practice starts.

3 x 5 Hang Clean
- Weight can not touch the ground mid set
- Go a little lighter than your 5 rep max and work on explosiveness

KB/DB swings (45 lbs)
Burpee Pullups

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thursday 10/8


5 rounds of:
4 sets of the following... 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats
Each round has an alloted 4 minutes of work. The faster you finish, the longer you are allowed to rest.

Example #1: Zack finishes 4 sets of (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats) in 2:45. He has 1:15 rest before he starts the next round.

Example #2: David finishes 4 sets of (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats) in 3:45. He has :15 rest before he starts the next round. Good luck finishing the next round in 4 minutes David...

If any round exceeds 4 minutes, add 10 burpees to the end of the WOD.

Jumping pullups are allowed but DO NOT JUMP FROM BOXES.

Wednesday 10/7

Rest Day

Giving the position guys an extra day off today. Pitchers, if you feel the need to get another workout in, go back and pick a workout that you want another shot at.

Everybody's been working their balls off and I know some guys are pretty beat up so that's why I'm giving you this day off. I highly recommend taking care of any injuries or soreness that you have. Again, the foam roll should be your best friend...

Have a good day off. Get ready to get back after it tomorrow.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday 10/5

3 x 6 (each leg) Explosive Step Ups
- Rest 1 min between sets
- Watch the video... don't have to go bare foot... each jump is MAX EFFORT

Alternate Tabata Squats and Pushups
- 2o sec work followed by 10 sec rest, 8 sets of each exercise

Sunday Rest Day

On days that we have a lift and practice... if you plan on lifting before, try and make it at least 3 hours before practice. You need to give your body plenty of time to rest after a workout before you step on to the field. Otherwise, you put your body under a lot of stress in a shorter amount of time which can really wear on you.

We need to do a better job taking care of our bodies. I talked during our first meeting about knowing the difference between soreness and injury. If you feel like it's more than just soreness, let me know and we'll address it. Guys that already know they have injuries, you should be icing several times during the day, not just after lifting or practice. A lot of your recovery falls on your shoulders.

Foam rolling and stretching are huge to your guys physical health. Make sure you are doing these things daily away from the field. If you don't have a foam roller, either use one we have out at the field, or hop in the training room and use one of theirs. Might not be a bad idea to pick one up for yourself.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rest Day (10/2/09)

See you guys out at practice. I will leave yesterday's workout up all day for pitchers who have yet to do it.

Results from 9/30 (Side2Side/SDHP and Pullups)

Felix 2:40
Frasier 2:41
Grimshaw 3:22
Robusto 3:27
Francke 3:32
Woodruff 3:38
Hall 3:40
Calbick 3:47
Knowlton 3:48
Clendenning 4:02

Jackson 108
Robusto 87
Lawson 76
Haaf 68
Clements 64
Heckerl 61
Keiser 60
Felix 58
Pappas 56
Grimshaw 54

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thursday 10/1


3 Rounds:
15 DB Hang Cleans
15 DB Push Press
15 Pushups

- Use same DB's for cleans and presses
- Choose DB weight between 30-45 lbs