Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winter Workout 13

Low Box Squat
3 x 3

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
3 x 5 (135 lbs)

3 Way DB Lunge
3 x 3 each direction

DB Row
3 x 6 Heavy
Dips (Weighted if possible)
3 x 6 if weighted, 3 x max if not

1 arm/1 leg plank
3x max each side

Trace ABC's 2x w/bat each arm

Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter Workout 12

3 sets of (10) 30's w/9 secs rest between each sprint
- run at about 90% w/cleats

Winter Workout 11

5 Cone Drills x 6 each
Figure 8 x 6 reps

4 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Clapping Pushups
10 Overhead Alt. Lunges w/45 lb bar or plate (10 each leg)

Grip Strength
DB Forearm Curls 3 x 10 (HEAVY)
Plate Holds x 3

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Winter Workout 10

10 sets of 2 Hang Cleans at 60% of perceived max
-Looking to move bar as fast as possible

3 x 5 Good Mornings
3 x 5 Barbell Step Ups

4 Rounds:
10 Pullups
10 Overhead Squats @ 45 Lbs
15 Box Jumps

3 Rounds:
DB Rotations 10 each directions
10 Barbell Rev. Curl to Ext
5 Pinch Curls each arm

Winter Workout 9

(8) 5 yd. Starts
(5) 5-10-5 Agility Drills
(10) 20 yd Sprints w/a 10 yd Stride preceding the sprint
- Do ALL Sprint and Agility Work with Cleats on from now until the season starts

Med Ball work if you have one available
If not, mix in some russian twists and plank work

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Workout 8

Barbell Alternating Lunges
3 x 6 each leg
DB Side Lunges
3 x 6 each leg

Physioball  Ham. Curls
3 x 10
Back Extensions
3 x 15
1 arm/1 leg Plank
3 x max each side

30 Burpees, 2 min rest, 30 Burpees

Trace ABC's x 2 with bat
Squeeze a tennis ball/stress ball for at least 3 min each hand


Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Workout 7

12 sets of 2 reps with :45 rest between sets
- Do this at 50% of your perceived 1 rep max
- Each lift is to be done with the intention of accelerating the bar as quickly as possible each rep

3 x 5

3 Rounds:
7 Pike Pushups
7 Tricep Pushups
7 Regular Pushups

3 Rounds:
10 Pullups (Strict as many as possible)
10 Inverted Rows

Each Square Drill (p. 2) x 4

Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Workout 6

Hang Clean 5 x 3

Bench Press
6 sets of 3
- Choose a weight that is about 50% of your estimated 1 rep max and do 3 reps as quickly and explosively as possible

DB Forearm Curls 3 x 10 (HEAVY)
Plate Holds x 3

400m, 200m, 100m , 400m , 200m , 100m
-1 min  rest after 400m, 45 sec rest after 200m, 30 sec rest after 100m

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winter Training

When you guys get home and get back to training, try and get in at least 4 workouts in a week.  I know it's tough to find gyms that are open sometimes around the holidays, but you could always get a sprint or agility workout in on those days.  As always, you can add whatever you would like to these workouts, but you'll be more than ready for the Spring if you follow this Winter Program.

I'll do my best to post workouts that can be done with very little equipment needed so you guys don't have to modify too much.  Feel free to post a comment or email me with any questions or concerns.

Winter Workout 5

3 Rounds:
50 yd Lunge Walk
50 yd Broad Jump (Frog Jump)
200 yd Sprint

So you got the email from coach saying we will be running the 6 min mile when you guys get back to campus and I'm sure a good bunch of you guys are a little panicked thinking there's no way you'll make it.  What you don't want to do to train for this, is run a timed mile every couple days.  Sure your time might go down little by little each time, but this is a very inefficient way to train.  I would suggest running 200s, 400s, and 800s instead.

Here's the reasoning behind it using an article I found:

"A 50-second 400m runner should be able to cut a 5:00 mile with only a little additional training. You’re talking about sustaining 67% of his top speed. Compare that to a 55-second 400m runner; he’s running at over 73% of top speed to pull that off. A guy with a 60-second 400? He’s putting out nearly 80% to pull off the same 5:00 mile (a pace that is probably virtually impossible)."

Again, this only applies to those who think they need to train to run the 6 min mile (which by the way isn't really that hard if you are in decent shape), so I'm not telling everyone to do this.  Even still, I wouldn't spend more than a couple days a week training for this.  Here are a few sample workouts that will help you with this training:

(4-6) 400m sprints w/2 min rest b/w sprints
(8) 200 m sprints w/1 min rest b/w sprints
200, 400, 800, 400, 200 w/1:30 rest b/w sprints

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Workout 4


Superset 1
3 x 3 each direction 3-Way Lunge (Forward, Diagonal, Side)
3 x 5 Front Squat

Superset 2
3 x 8 Good Mornings
3 x 8 Reverse Hypers

Superset 3
3 x 8 Wtd Depth Pushups
3 x 8 Wtd Pullups
3 x 10 Ab Rollouts

Winter Workout 3

(8) 5 yd starts
(10) 30 yd Sprints
- Full Recovery

Do each 3 cone drill (p.1) 3x each

Friday, December 10, 2010

Agility Drills

Here are some agility drills that we will be using over the break.  You don't necessarily need cones to do these drills, any object can serve as a cone.  I'll let you know what drills we will be doing and when we will be doing them but feel free to use them as extra work whenever you want.

Winter Workout 2

5 Rounds:
7 Back Squats @ 135 lbs
7 Walking Lunges (7 each leg)
7 Knees 2 Elbows

Supermans x 50
Russian Twists 25 each side
V-Ups x 25

Winter Workout 1


Hang Clean   5,4,3,2

Superset 1
1 Legged Squat to Box
3 x 8 each leg
Step up to RDL
3 x 6 each leg

Superset 2
DB Row
3 x 6
Inverted Row
3 x 8

Superset 3
Wtd. Pushups
3 x 10
3 x 10

Standing Plate holds with arms hanging at side
3 x max hold

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 10: Day 7

Day Off

Week 10: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more
*Stop any set when you start to lose form
*You may drop from the top of each lift

(10) 100 yd Sprints
- Start each sprint at the top of the minute
- Ex: If you finish a sprint in 15 seconds, you have 45 seconds rest before starting the next

Week 10: Day 5

Superset 1

3 sets of:
12 Explosive Step-Ups (6 each leg)
12 Step Downs (6 each leg)
12 DB Side Lunge (6 each leg)
* 1-2 min rest between sets

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Dips (body weight or weighted)
10 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
* 1 min rest between sets

5 Rounds of:
45 lb Overhead Walking or Alternating Lunges (10 Steps each leg)
15 Burpees
-1 min rest b/w sets

Week 10: Day 4

Off Day

Week 10: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Clean
Set 1: 65% x 5 Reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 Reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or More Reps
*Set ends when you drop the weight to the ground or rack

Assistance Work
Superset 1
6 sets (total) of 6 box jumps (high boxes)

- 2 sets of 6 normal box jumps followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 depth jumps followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 seated box jumps
* Rest 1-2 min between each set of box jumps

Superset 2
3 rounds of:
16 Barbell Alternating Lunges (8 each leg)
16 Step up to 1 Legged RDL's (8 each leg)

Week 10: Day 2

Week 5: Day 2

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
8 Single Arm DB Bench Press (16 Total)
8 Inverted Rows
Max Front Plank Hold

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Back Extensions
10 Physioball Hamstring Curls

3 Rounds of:
20 Box Jumps (24 in. high)
20 Pushups
20 Air Squats
-No rest, post time

Week 10: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 65% x 5 reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more reps

Assistance Work
Superset 1:
3 sets of each
Pistols to a Bench
Good Mornings

Superset 2:
3 sets of each
8 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
8 Weighted Pushups (weight on back)
Ab Rollouts (can be done with barbell)

New Phase

Same as last time we went on to a new 4 week period... Add 5-10 lbs to each core lift if you were successfully able to complete all reps

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 9: Day 7

Day Off

Week 9: Day 7

Day Off

Week 9: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more
*Stop any set when you start to lose form
*You may drop from the top of each lift

(10) 30 yd Sprints
- Full Recovery Sprints, allow yourself to get the most out of each sprint, don't start if you are fatigued from the previous sprint

Week 9: Day 5

Superset 1

3 sets of:
12 Explosive Step-Ups (6 each leg)
12 Step Downs (6 each leg)
12 DB Side Lunge (6 each leg)
* 1-2 min rest between sets

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Dips (body weight or weighted)
10 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
* 1 min rest between sets

5 Rounds of:
20 Overhead Alternating Lunges 45 lb. plate(10 each leg)
8 Knees 2 Elbows

Week 9: Day 4

Day Off

Week 9: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Clean
Set 1: 65% x 5 Reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 Reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or More Reps
*Set ends when you drop the weight to the ground or rack

Assistance Work
Superset 1
6 sets (total) of 6 box jumps (high boxes)

- 2 sets of 6 normal box jumps followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 depth jumps followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 seated box jumps
* Rest 1-2 min between each set of box jumps

Superset 2
3 rounds of:
16 Barbell Alternating Lunges (8 each leg)
16 Step up to 1 Legged RDL's (8 each leg)

Week 9: Day 2

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
8 Single Arm DB Bench Press (16 Total)
8 Inverted Rows
Max Front Plank Hold

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Back Extensions
10 Physioball Hamstring Curls

3 Rounds of:
Sprint 400m
20 pushups
20 Squat Jumps

Week 9: Day 1

If you were able to successfully complete every lift of every set last week, up your maxes by 10-15 lbs. to increase the weight of each lift of this phase.  Percentages will stay the same, but by increasing your maxes you will be able to continually add strength.

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 65% x 5 reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more reps

Assistance Work
Superset 1:
3 sets of each
Pistols to a Bench
Good Mornings

Superset 2:
3 sets of each
8 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
8 Weighted Pushups (weight on back)
Ab Rollouts (can be done with barbell)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Week 8: Day 7

Day Off

Week 8: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 40% x 5 reps
Set 2: 50% x 5 reps
Set 3: 60% x 5 reps

Assistance work of you choice today.  All work you do today should be light.  Make sure you are getting some forearm and core work in today.

Week 8: Day 5

(10) 100 yd sprints
- Start each sprint at the top of the minute

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of: (All Light Weight)
8 Step Downs
8 DB Side Lunges

Superset 2
3 sets of:
8 Strict Pullups
8 Pike Pushups
8 Tricep Pushups

Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 8: Day 4

Day Off

Week 8: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Clean
Set 1: 40% x 5 reps
Set 2: 50% x 5 reps
Set 3: 60% x 5 reps
* Freshman and Sophomores do 3 sets of 5 very light working on form and bar speed

7 Rounds of:

7 Overhead Squats (45-95 lbs)
7 Burpees

Week 8: Day 2

(10) 5 yd starts
- Working on accelerating like a steal jump, be as quick as possible each
- Allow for full recovery before each
2 sets of (10) 30 yd sprints
- 9 secs rest between sets, 2 min rest between sets
- To be run at 90-100% effort

Assistance Work
Superset 1
4 sets of:
12 Explosive Step Ups (6 each leg)
12 Explosive Side 2 Side Jumps (6 each leg)
24 Russian Twists (12 each side)

Superset 2
6 rounds of alternating Tabata Pushups and KB Swings (6 rounds of each)
- Tabata works as follows...
- 20 seconds of as much work as you can do, for example as many pushups as you can do in 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds rest then again 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest.
- So today, you would do 20 seconds of pushups, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds of air squats, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds of pushups, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds of air squats... This would be 2 rounds and you continue until 6 rounds are completed

Week 8: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 40% x 5 reps
Set 2: 50% x 5 reps
Set 3: 60% x 5 reps
*Freshman and Sophomores will do 3 sets of 5 of light weight

Assistance Work
Superset 1 (Light assistance work)
3 sets of:
16 Barbell Alternating Lunges (8 each leg)
16 1 Legged Squat to Box (8 each leg)

Superset 2 (Light assistance work)
3 sets of:
10 Inverted Rows
15 Incline Pushups
15 Decline Pushups

Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 7: Day 7

Day Off

Week 7: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 75% x 5 reps
Set 2: 85% x 3 reps
Set 3: 95% x 1 or more reps

4 Rounds of:
15 KB/DB Swings (45 lb)
20 Side 2 Side Jumps (10 each leg)
- 1 minute rest between rounds
*Post total time

Week 7: Day 5

Conditioning Test
(3) 300 yd Shuttle Runs

5 minutes rest between efforts

*You have 2 choices: (5) 60 yd shuttles or (6) 50 yd shuttles

*To pass the conditioning test all shuttles must be completed under 1 minute

**Post whether or not you passed once completed, there is no punishment for not passing... this is for me to see where guys are at so be honest when posting

Week 7: Day 4

Day Off

Week 7: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Clean
Set 1: 75% x 5 reps
Set 2: 85% x 3 reps
Set 3: 95% x 1 or more reps

Assistance Work
4 sets of:
10 Physioball Pushups
10 Inverted Rows
10 Back Extensions

Other Core and Forearm work of your choice once this has been completed

Week 7: Day 2

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
12 Split Squats (6 each leg) (Either front of back rack position is fine)
12 DB Side Lunges (6 each leg)
Straight Leg Deadlifts
- 1 min rest between sets

Superset 2
3 sets of:
8 DB Rows (Heavy)
8 Weighted Dips
Tricep Pushups

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:
1 pullup, 1 pushup, 1 air squat...
2 pullups, 2 pushups, 2 air squats...
3 pullups, 3 pushups, 3 air squats...
(every round you add 1 of each)
*Post rounds completed

Week 7: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 75% x 5 reps
Set 2: 85% x 3 reps
Set 3: 95% x 1 or more reps

Complete 2 Rounds:
100 yd sprint
80 yd sprint
60 yd sprint
40 yd sprint
*Rest 30 seconds between sprints
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week 6: Day 7

Day Off

Week 6: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 70% x 3 reps
Set 2: 80% x 3 reps
Set 3: 90% x 3 or more reps
*Freshman and sophomores will do 3 sets of 6 reps

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
12 Barbell Alternating Lunges (6 each leg, heavy sets)
12 Step Downs (6 each leg)
Physioball Hamstring Curls

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Inverted Rows
15 Incline Pushups (Hands on bench)
15 Decline Pushups (Feet on bench)

Week 6: Day 5

Assistance Work
Superset 1
4 Sets of:
10 Bulgarian Split Squat (20 Total)
10 1 Legged Squat to Bench (20 Total)

Superset 2
4 Sets of:
Max Strict Pullups
Max Pullups
-No Rest

Superset 3
3 sets of:
Max Left Side Plank
20 Russian Twists
Max Right Side Plank
20 Russian Twists
- 1 min rest between sets

Week 6: Day 4

Day Off

Week 6: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Cleans
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3 or more reps

5 Rounds, 1 min rest between rounds:
10 Pullups
16 Side 2 Side Jumps (8 each side)
20 KB/DB Swings (45 lbs)

Week 6: Day 2

(5) 30 yd Sprints
(5) 5-10-5 Shuttles
(5) 5 yd Shuffle Left to 15 yd Sprint (Cut around a small barrier...cone, baseball, hat, etc)
(5) 5 yd Shuffle Right to 15 yd Sprint (Cut around a small barrier...cone, baseball, hat, etc)

*To be done after a thorough warmup...
*Each of these are to be done with full recovery.  Don't start a rep if you are fatigued from the one before.  The idea is to work as hard/fast as you can for each individual sprint
*Finish each set of sprints before moving on to the next. Ex: finish all 30 yd sprints before moving on to 5-10-5's

Week 6: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3 or more

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
Straight Leg Deadlift (Light, do not exceed 135 lbs)
16 Weighted Step Ups (Barbell on back) (8 each leg)

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Strict Pullups
10 Pike Pushups (Bench and boxes added for increased difficulty)
10 Tricep Pushups (I renamed this one for simplicity)

Week 5: Day 7

Day Off

Week 5: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more
*Stop any set when you start to lose form
*You may drop from the top of each lift

(10) 100 yd Sprints
- Start each sprint at the top of the minute
- Ex: If you finish a sprint in 15 seconds, you have 45 seconds rest before starting the next

Week 5: Day 5

Superset 1
3 sets of:
12 Explosive Step-Ups (6 each leg)
12 Step Downs (6 each leg)
12 DB Side Lunge (6 each leg)
* 1-2 min rest between sets

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Dips (body weight or weighted)
10 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
* 1 min rest between sets

5 Rounds of:
45 lb Overhead Walking or Alternating Lunges (10 Steps each leg)
15 Burpees

Week 5: Day 4

Day Off

Week 5: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Clean
Set 1: 65% x 5 Reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 Reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or More Reps
*Set ends when you drop the weight to the ground or rack

Assistance Work
Superset 1
6 sets (total) of 6 box jumps (high boxes)

- 2 sets of 6 normal box jumps followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 depth jumps followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 seated box jumps
* Rest 1-2 min between each set of box jumps

Superset 2
3 rounds of:
16 Barbell Alternating Lunges (8 each leg)
16 Step up to 1 Legged RDL's (8 each leg)

Week 5: Day 2

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
8 Single Arm DB Bench Press (16 Total)
8 Inverted Rows
Max Front Plank Hold

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Back Extensions
10 Physioball Hamstring Curls

3 Rounds of:
20 Box Jumps (24 in. high)
20 Pushups
20 Air Squats
-No rest, post time

Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 5: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 65% x 5 reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more reps

Assistance Work
Superset 1:
3 sets of each
Pistols to a Bench
Good Mornings

Superset 2:
3 sets of each
8 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
8 Weighted Pushups (weight on back)
Ab Rollouts (can be done with barbell)

New Phase

We just finished up the first 4 weeks of the program, so here's the deal...
Everybody, including incoming freshman and sophomores, will now be on the percentage based system.  If you have yet to send me your rep maxes for the core lifts, email me them as quick as possible so that I can shoot you back your estimated 1 rep max to work off of.

For guys who have already been following the program, I want you to add 5-10 lbs to the maxes you used for the last 4 weeks for each exercise depending on how easily you got through the last set each day.  Do not add more than 10 lbs to any max no matter how easy the last set was, you will have plenty of time to increase weight as we will be continuing this program throughout the fall.

As always, email me with any questions or concerns.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 4: Day 7

Day Off

Week 4: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 40% x 5 reps
Set 2: 50% x 5 reps
Set 3: 60% x 5 reps

Assistance work of you choice today.  All work you do today should be light.  Make sure you are getting some forearm and core work in today.

Week 4: Day 5

(10) 100 yd sprints
- Start each sprint at the top of the minute

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of: (All Light Weight)
8 Step Downs
8 DB Side Lunges

Superset 2
3 sets of:
8 Strict Pullups
8 Pike Pushups
8 Tricep Pushups

Week 4: Day 4

Day Off

Week 4: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Clean
Set 1: 40% x 5 reps
Set 2: 50% x 5 reps
Set 3: 60% x 5 reps
* Freshman and Sophomores do 3 sets of 5 very light working on form and bar speed

5 Rounds of:
10 Knees 2 Elbows
10 Burpees

Week 4: Day 2

(10) 5 yd starts
- Working on accelerating like a steal jump, be as quick as possible each
- Allow for full recovery before each
2 sets of (10) 30 yd sprints
- 9 secs rest between sets, 2 min rest between sets
- To be run at 90-100% effort

Assistance Work
Superset 1
4 sets of:
12 Explosive Step Ups (6 each leg)
12 Explosive Side 2 Side Jumps (6 each leg)
24 Russian Twists (12 each side)

Superset 2
6 rounds of alternating Tabata Pushups and Squats (6 rounds of each)
- Tabata works as follows...
- 20 seconds of as much work as you can do, for example as many pushups as you can do in 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds rest then again 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest.
- So today, you would do 20 seconds of pushups, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds of air squats, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds of pushups, 10 seconds rest, 20 seconds of air squats... This would be 2 rounds and you continue until 6 rounds are completed

Week 4: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 40% x 5 reps
Set 2: 50% x 5 reps
Set 3: 60% x 5 reps
*Freshman and Sophomores will do 3 sets of 5 of light weight

Assistance Work
Superset 1 (Light assistance work)
3 sets of:
16 Barbell Alternating Lunges (8 each leg)
16 1 Legged Squat to Box (8 each leg)

Superset 2 (Light assistance work)
3 sets of:
10 Inverted Rows
15 Incline Pushups
15 Decline Pushups

Week 3: Day 7

Day Off

Week 3: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 75% x 5 reps
Set 2: 85% x 3 reps
Set 3: 95% x 1 or more reps
*Freshman and Sophomores do 3 sets of 6

4 Rounds of:
15 KB/DB Swings (45 lb)
20 Side 2 Side Jumps (10 each leg)
- 1 minute rest between rounds
*Post total time

Little Behind...

Sorry fellas, I'm running a little behind on my posts but we've got a bus trip today that I should be able to put some things together for this week.  It is a deload week so the weights will be light so you guys can recover and get ready for the next cycle.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Week 3: Day 5

(10) 30 yd sprints
- Max effort
- Full recovery between sprints
- This means do not start a sprint if you are fatigued at all

Assistance Work
3 Sets of:
10 Good Mornings
10 Step up to RDL
10 Goblet Squats

3 Sets of:
8 Weighted Pushups
8 Single Arm Lat Pulldown
8 Ab Wheel

Forearm work as well

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Week 3: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Clean
Set 1: 75% x 5 reps
Set 2: 85% x 3 reps
Set 3: 95% x 1 or more reps

Lots of core and forearm/grip work.  Also get lots of stretching in after today's lift.  The rest of your day is optional and up to you.  If you need the rest, just do the core lift, core and forearm work and call it a day.  If not, feel free to add what you want, tomorrow will be an off day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 3: Day 2

1 set of (10) 20 yd sprints followed by 1 set of (10) 40 yd sprints
- 2 minutes rest between sets
- 6 sec rest between 20 yd sprints, 12 sec rest between 40 yd sprints
- Sprints are to be run at 90-100% effort
- Do not cheat the rest, only rest the allotted time for each sprint

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
12 Split Squats (6 each leg) (Either front of back rack position is fine)
12 DB Side Lunges (6 each leg)
6 Straight Leg Deadlifts
- 1 min rest between sets

Superset 2
3 sets of:
8 DB Rows (Heavy)
8 Weighted Dips
8 Tricep Pushups

Week 3: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 75% x 5 reps
Set 2: 85% x 3 reps
Set 3: 95% x 1 or more reps
*Freshman and Sophomores will do 3 sets of 5 reps

5 Rounds of:
20 Box Jumps (approx. 24 in. box)
10 Burpee Pullups
45 sec. Plank
* 1 minute rest between rounds

Friday, June 11, 2010

Week 2: Day 7

Rest Day

Warm Up and Foam Rolling

Here are some links for you guys to check out regarding warming up and foam rolling.  I've posted these before so some of you may have seen them, but they should serve as a good refresher for you as well...

Warm Up

Foam Rolling I

Foam Rolling II

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week 2: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 70% x 3 reps
Set 2: 80% x 3 reps
Set 3: 90% x 3 or more reps
*Freshman and sophomores will do 3 sets of 6 reps

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
12 Barbell Alternating Lunges (6 each leg, heavy sets)
12 Step Downs (6 each leg)
Physioball Hamstring Curls

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Inverted Rows
15 Incline Pushups (Hands on bench)
15 Decline Pushups (Feet on bench)

Core work and forearm work of your choice to finish up the workout.

Week 2: Day 5

Get some agility work in today.  Hurdles, ladders, box drills, etc.

Week 2: Day 4

Core Lift
Hang Cleans
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3 or more reps
*Freshman and sophomores will do 3 sets of 6 reps

5 Rounds, 1 min rest between rounds:
10 Pullups
16 Side 2 Side Jumps (8 each side)
20 Air Squats

Post Total Time and Set 3 wt. and reps

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 2: Day 2

(5) 30 yd Sprints
(5) 5-10-5 Shuttles
(5) 5 yd Shuffle Left to 15 yd Sprint (Cut around a small barrier...cone, baseball, hat, etc)
(5) 5 yd Shuffle Right to 15 yd Sprint (Cut around a small barrier...cone, baseball, hat, etc)

*To be done after a thorough warmup...
*Each of these are to be done with full recovery.  Don't start a rep if you are fatigued from the one before.  The idea is to work as hard/fast as you can for each individual sprint
*Finish each set of sprints before moving on to the next. Ex: finish all 30 yd sprints before moving on to 5-10-5's

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Week 2: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 70% x 3
Set 2: 80% x 3
Set 3: 90% x 3 or more
* Freshman and sophomores will do 3 sets of 8 reps increasing weight with each completed set

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
8 Straight Leg Deadlift (Light, do not exceed 135 lbs)
16 Weighted Step Ups (Barbell on back) (8 each leg)

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Strict Pullups
10 Pike Pushups (Bench and boxes added for increased difficulty)
10 Tricep Pushups (I renamed this one for simplicity)

Forearms and Core work of your choice today, but make sure you get them in

Going into Week 2

Just in case we have some guys who are just now starting the program, I want everybody to start at Week 1: Day 1.  I want guys to be able to ease into the program instead of jumping into week 3 where things will have already progressed and never really have a chance to get your feet under you.

I do appreciate the guys who are posting, especially on the core lifts and I encourage you to continue doing so.  I will be keeping track of these numbers and if you keep posting I can give you feedback on your numbers and let you know how you are progressing.  All that I ask that you post on these days is the last set where you are asked to perform as many reps as possible at your prescribed weight based on the maxes I have given you.

Freshman and sophomores don't have to worry about this until the next phase of the program in 3 weeks.

Keep working fellas and as always email me with any questions or feedback.

Week 1: Day 7

Day Off

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Week 1: Day 6

Core Lift
Set 1: 65% x 5
Set 2: 75% x 5
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more
*Stop any set when you start to lose form
*You may drop from the top of each lift

(10) 100 yd Sprints
- Start each sprint at the top of the minute
- Ex: If you finish a sprint in 15 seconds, you have 45 seconds rest before starting the next

Friday, June 4, 2010

Week 1: Day 5

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
12 Explosive Step-Ups (6 each leg)
12 Step Downs (6 each leg)
12 DB Side Lunge (6 each leg)
* 1-2 min rest between sets

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Dips (body weight or weighted)
10 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
* 1 min rest between sets

5 Rounds w/45 sec. rest between sets:
10 KB/DB Swings (45 lbs)
10 Knees 2 Elbows
*Post Total WOD time

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 1: Day 4

Day Off

Couple Things

Feel like I need to clarify a few things...

This whole program is going to be based off of your 1 rep max.
(Freshman and sophomores, you guys won't really get into this part of the program until a little later, but this post still applies to you)
Instead of maxing out on the 3 core lifts, I want you guys to pick a weight that is 85% of what you think your max is.  After doing this, send me an email saying what weight used and how many reps you got for each lift.  I'll turn your email around and send you your calculated maxes that you will use for the program.

For example, if right now I feel like my squat max is 355, I would put 300 lbs on the bar and squat it as many times as possible... let's say I get 7 reps.  I would then email that I squatted 300 lbs for 7 reps and later find out that my calculated max is 370.  I have a formula that allows me to calculate your maxes using this information, so get this to me as soon as you can.

The maxes I send you will actually 10-15 lbs. lighter than they actually are, but I want you guys to have a cycle to get back into things full bore.  Trust me on this.  We'll be doing this program through the summer and fall so you'll have plenty of time to add weight as we move along.

Hopefully this clears things up, email me with any questions and your max info.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week 1: Day 3

Core Lift
Hang Clean
Set 1: 65% x 5 Reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 Reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or More Reps
*Set ends when you drop the weight to the ground or rack
*Incoming Freshman and Sophomores will follow this day just like everybody else

Assistance Work
Superset 1
6 sets (total) of 6 box jumps (high boxes)

- 2 sets of 6 normal box jumps followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 depth jumps followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 seated box jumps
* Rest 1-2 min between each set of box jumps

Superset 2
3 rounds of:
16 Barbell Alternating Lunges (8 each leg)
16 Step up to 1 Legged RDL's (8 each leg)

Superset 3
3 Rounds of:
Max Pullups
Max Pushups
20 Russian Twists (10 each side) (Can also be done seated with feet elevated)
*This is continuous. No rest between sets

Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 1: Day 2

Assistance Work
Superset 1
3 sets of:
8 Single Arm DB Bench Press (Alternating)
8 Inverted Rows (Can be done holding onto a bar)
Max Front Plank Hold

Superset 2
3 sets of:
10 Back Extensions
8 Physioball Hamstring Curls

5 Rounds of:
100 yd Shuttles (Sprint 25 yds and back, 25 yds and back)
10 Burpees

Rest exactly 1:30 between rounds

Total time including rest

(Workouts should always be done in the order they are posted.  Today the assistance work should be done before the WOD.  Some days running will precede everything else so pay attention to the order.)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 1: Day 1

Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 65% x 5 reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more reps
* Incoming Freshman and Sophomores
* 3 sets of 10 reps
* Increasing weight each set if previous set was successfully completed

Assistance Work
Superset 1:
3 sets of each
8 Pistols to a Bench
8 Good Mornings

Superset 2:
3 sets of each
8 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
8 Weighted Pushups (weight on back)
8 Ab Rollouts (can be done with barbell)

Finish workout with forearm/grip work and stretching

*** A superset is a set of exercises that you alternate between in a set.  For example, in the first superset, you will do 8 pistols then 8 good mornings and that will complete set 1.  After a short rest you will start your second set.  In superset 2, you will do 8 db rows, then 8 weighted pushups, and then 8 ab rollouts to complete the first set.

Quick Notes Before We Start

Because I haven't gotten much feedback from guys on their maxes.  Not a huge deal because I know guys are still getting settled for the summer, but I do want you guys to understand that this whole program will work off of these maxes.  For those of you who send them to me, I will be able to help you understand what weights you should be lifting to start.

Also, these aren't 1 rep maxes that I want.  I want you guys to take 80% of what you think your max is and perform as many reps as possible at this weight for each of the core lifts.  You would then send me those numbers and I will calculate your max for each lift.

I will post workouts a little differently this summer.  The first day of the program will be listed as Week 1 Day 1, and continue counting days of the week until we reach week 2.  This is so that guys can all start the program at the very beginning and don't just randomly jump into it.

Incoming freshman and sophomores, the first 4 weeks of the program will be a little different for you guys.  I will what you will be doing on the core lifts each day, but other than that you will be following the assistance work each day exactly as it is posted.

I would like everybody following the program to post comments after each day.  The only things I want you to post are the weight and reps of your final set of a core lift (squat/deadlift/clean) and if there is a WOD you may also post your results if you'd like.

As always, if there are any questions, feel free to send me emails with questions and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.  I've been on the road on my way up to New York the past few days so I apologize if it's taken me a while to get back to you, but once I get settled in NY I should be quick to respond to any email.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Players in Summer Leagues

For those of you that are playing in summer leagues...

You guys will be on a slightly modified version of the program.  Because you guys are playing nearly every day, your bodies need rest and 4-5 days a week of lifting would be too much.

I still want you guys doing the work for the core lifts 3x per week.  Along with this, I also want you to get in some other assistance work much like we did in season.  Often times you will be able to follow a post for a particular day exactly as it is and be fine.  You have the freedom to add and take out what you want from the assistance exercises based on how your body feels.

You'll find that 3 days a week is very doable once you can get into a routine of working out in the morning, resting the afternoon and playing at night.  Be sure you are getting these lifts in to maintain strength while you're still playing.

With regards to running, mix in a some sprints a couple times every week to keep your legs fresh.  There will be some days where you get to the park early and these days are perfect to get a little running in.  If you guys have any other questions regarding lifting or anything else, feel free to call or email.

Good luck to all you fellas playing.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer 2010 Program

If you look to the right side of the page I added a page that explains the core of this year's summer program.  I want you all to read this and get back to me as soon as possible with the information I asked for.  This is something I want to keep track of all the way through the fall next year.

The program will have you guys in the weight room 4-5 times per week, with a core lift (back squat, deadlift, hang clean) 3 of those days.  Any day there is a core lift, you should do this lift at the very beginning right after your warmup so you are fresh.

I do want to implement a new system for warming up this year so everyone knows what a warmup should be like.  I still want you guys doing all the movement prep work (air squats, leg swings, etc.) before this, but once we get to a lift, your warmup should look like this:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 50%
3 reps @ 60%

After this you can then start your work sets.  I want you guys resting 3-5 minutes between sets while you are doing core lifts.  This may seem like a long time, but this is what your body requires to recover optimally between strength lifts.

The program will be somewhat similar to last year's, but more structured, as you can see everything is based on percentages of your calculated max.  We will still be doing CrossFit WOD's, but not as often as last summer/fall.  Most of the WOD's will be replaced with assistance work (pushups, dips, lunges, box jumps, etc).  

Any extra work you guys want to do is up to you, but I will say this... Listen to your bodies. If you start to feel fatigued on a day to day basis, your body telling you that you are overtraining, which quickly leads to injury.  I do encourage agility work and extra sprint work, but only if your body feels good on a particular day.

Finally, I really want you guys training your forearms hard this summer.  Grab a tennis ball and get to squeezing.  You don't even have to be in the weight room to get your hands stronger so I expect every person to come back with sick hand strength.  Believe me, it's one of the things I regret not training harder when I played and now I realize how valuable it would have been.

That's all for now, get me your numbers on your maxes and email them to me.  For those of you who don't have my address it is:

Sunday, January 31, 2010

In-Season Training: Weeks 1 and 2

Program will be 3x per week.  In season, especially with the hours we put in on the field, your bodies can't handle the training volume we had in the fall.  All we are trying to do right now is maintain the strength we gained in the off-season, not gain strength.  Feel free to add in exercises that you want for core and forearms, but I want you guys to stick to the lower body and upper body movements I list.

Every 2 weeks the program will change up a bit so be sure to check in.  I will write the workouts on the board in the weight room tomorrow when I get to campus so they will be available in there as well.  As always, if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Make sure you guys are taking the time to get in a good warmup before you guys start your lifts.  I don't want anyone missing any time on the field for a weight room related injury due to lack of warmup or poor form.  TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODIES.  

The work will be done in supersets so you guys can get more work in a shorter period of time.  Like I said before, you shouldn't be spending more than 30-45 minutes in the weight room. 

Day 1
SS (Superset) 1:
3 sets of:
4 Back Squats @ 75% 1 RM
6 Jump Squats
-2 min rest between sets

SS 2:
3 Sets of:
8 Weighted Pushups
8 1 Arm Lat Pulldowns
DB Lunge Complex - 2 each direction

SS 3:
8 Landmines
Burnout on Gripper

Day 2
3 x 4 Deadlifts @ 75% 1 RM (Drop from the top)

SS 1:
3 Sets of:
8 Inverted Rows
8 Reverse Hypers
8 Physioball Hamstring Curls

SS 2:
3 Sets of
8 Knees to Elbows (Controlled)
Max Front Plank Hold
Isometric Reverse Curl Max Hold (Fat Bar)

Day 3
3 x 4 Hang Cleans to Front Squat @ 75% of 1RM Hang Clean

SS 1:
3 sets of:
8 Good Mornings
8 KB Swings (Heavy)
8 Pushup/Dip Combo

SS 2:
3 sets of:
8 Landmines
8 Ab Rollouts

I'll be posting video tomorrow on some of the things we haven't gone over in detail.  Again, start each day with a good warmup and finish up with stretching and/or foam rolling.  

Friday, January 29, 2010

Foam Rolling

I want you guys foam rolling as often as possible throughout the spring.  It's a great way to recover from all the work we do on and off the field.  You should try and roll either before or after practice each day.  I know there are some in the shed out at the field so if you get out to practice early, this would be something you could do once you do your pre-practice jobs.  Another good idea would be to pitch in a few bucks each and get one or two for the locker room.

Here are a couple videos on foam rolling so you guys have an idea what you should be doing...

Part 1

Part 2

Back to Work...


Next week we are going to start our in-season program that will consist of 3 lifts a week.  Most of the work will be strength based with supplementary exercises and less WOD based.  The workouts will be designed so that you aren't spending more than 30 minutes in the weight room at a time.  I understand practices are long and take up a good chunk of your day so I want you guys to get in the weight room, get your work in and get out.

That being said, I fully expect you guys to be getting these 3 lifts in each week.  There should be no excuses, you have all week to get these workouts in.  The workouts will be full body each day, no upper body/lower body split.  We will continue running sprints and doing agility and med ball work in our pre-practice time.

Position guys... for now I would split these workouts up to Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  When the season starts, you would want to get these in on days we aren't playing, or early enough in the morning on a game day that they wouldn't affect you later on.

Pitchers... I'll talk to Dave more on this, but you guys also need to be doing these lifts based on your pitching schedule.  Ideally, you would spread these out so that you have a day or two rest before your next start or appearance.  Relievers run on a little different schedule, but since guys don't really have assigned roles yet, get the work in when you see fit.

I am finishing up the in-season program right now, should have it finished up by the end of the day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Team Big Cat Final Results

This year's Big Cat finish was perhaps the most memorable finish in Big Cat history.  This year's finale, the obstacle course, was one of the toughest final events ever.  Each team member was assigned one leg of the obstacle course which consisted of a 2 lap swim, 50 pullups, tire throws over a football goal post, an agility course, 75 yds of burpee frog jumps, and a 400 meter plate run.

Teams started the final event based on their finish in the preceding 5 events.  3 teams started within 30 seconds of each other:  "SAWS" led by Eric Binder, "Team Sanchez" led by Nick Pappas, and "The Gangstas of Love" led by Kevin Jackson.  In the end, it came down to these 3 teams in a race to the finish in the 400 meter plate run.

Mike Hunter from "The Gangstas of Love" was the first to start the plate run, wasn't able to hold on to a 50 meter lead to start the race.  Tyler Rockafellow from "Team Sanchez" looked to have the race in hand with about 50 meters left after passing Mike Hunter 2/3 of the way through the race, couldn't hold on to the lead and saw Senior and team captain of "SAWS" Eric Binder step across the finish line for the win and Team Big Cat Championship.

Unfortunately we were unable to capture footage of the obstacle course because the event was so scattered and the constant change of location.  You had to be there to truly understand and appreciate the dramatic finish of this year's Big Cat, but having been a part of every Big Cat Challenge to date... I can say that this year was easily the most competitive and had by far the best finish.

TEAM - "SAWS" led by team captain ERIC BINDER

Monday, January 25, 2010

Obstacle Course...

This year's obstacle course will have 6 different legs... (in no particular order)

2 Lap Swim
50 Pullups
400 yd. Plate Carry (holding handles)
Football Field Workout (Sprint, Lunges, Bear Crawl, etc.)
Tire Throws
75 yd. Burpee Frog Jumps

Standings Going Into The Final Day...

Here are the standings going into the final day of the Team Big Cat Challenge which will contain both the Swim Relay and The Obstacle Course:

Team Binder "Jaws"- 13:30
Team Pappas "Team Sanchez" - 13:49
Team Jackson "The Gangstas of Love" - 14:05
Team Klimesh "Green Death" - 15:19
Team Lawson" The Team Formally Known and Prince" - 17:09
Team Keiser - 18:32

After the Swim Relay, times will be added up and the team's total time in the first 5 events will decide their starting point in the Obstacle Course.  As of right now, it looks like tomorrow could be a great final day of Big Cat action.

Team Event 4 - Tug of War

Today's competition was one that definitely favored brute strength... the Tug-of-War event.  Teams were pooled in a round robin style tournament to decide the top two teams who then played a best of 3 series to decide the champion of the event.  Each spot in the event was worth 20 seconds of time, so the winner of the event did not have seconds added to his overall time accumulated whereas 2nd place had 20 seconds added, 3rd place had 40 seconds added... 6th place had 1 min and 40 secs added.

Each match provided lots of intensity, several teams found it to their advantage to synchronize their pulls and others used simple brute force to overcome the other teams.  It is rumored that yells of "1-2-3 Pull" were heard across campus...

Once the round robin tournament was completed, SAWS led by Eric Binder and Team Sanchez led by Nick Pappas squared off in a best of 3 series to decide 1st place in this event. It only took SAWS 2 matches to prove their dominance and the team was crowned victorious in the Tug of War event.

Perhaps the biggest surprise in the event was "The Gangstas of Love" led by Kevin Jackson and their inability to get a single win in the event.  Going into the Tug of War having won 2 of the first 3 events, Jackson's team was heavily favored to win the Team Big Cat Challenge, but it seemed as if they were a team built on speed and not on strength after today's event.  We will see if they can bounce back tomorrow in the swim relay and regain some momentum going into the final Obstacle Course event which will also bed held tomorrow.

Here were the results from the Tug of War Event:

Team Binder "SAWS" 5-0
Team Pappas "Team Sanchez" 4-1
Team Lawson "The Team Formally Known as Prince" 3-2
Team Keiser 2-3
Team Klimesh "Green Death" 1-4
Team Jackson "The Gangstas of Love" 0-5

Team Event 3 - Tire Flip

Day 3 of the team Big Cat Challenge brought an event that required both strength and speed for every competitor.  The event was the Tire Flip.  Teams were required to flip a 150+ pound tired 100 yds. however, each team member was only allowed to flip the tired 7 times then sprint back to the starting line to tag in the next player.  That player then sprints out to the tire for 7 more flips, and this pattern continued until the tire crossed the finish line 100 yds. away.

Each team was evenly matched in this event with only 11 seconds separating the first place team and the last place team.  In the end tho, a victory is a victory and "The Gangstas of Love" led by team captain Kevin Jackson picked up their second win in 3 events thus far in the challenge.  Captain Will Keiser and his team finally pulled themselves out of the cellar a bit and finished second in the event after 2 last place finishes in the previous 2 events.  Keiser and his team definitely have some work to do in the following events to put themselves in contention on the final day, but in the end, the obstacle course can make or break a team.

Here were the results of the Tire Flip event:

Team Jackson "The Gangstas of Love" - 3:16
Team Keiser - 3:19
Team Pappas "Team Sanchez" - 3:20
Team Binder "SAWS" - 3:20
Team Klimesh "Green Death" - 3:21
Team Lawson "The Team Formally Known as Prince" - 3:27

Click here to see video from this event...

Team Event 2 - Bag Pull

The team bag pull proved to be one of the toughest events yet of the entire Big Cat Challenge, requiring players to pull a tackling bag 35 yds. around a cone and back, pulling backwards the entire time.  As you can see from the video captured from the event, several players struggled getting across the finish line without falling down in the last 5 - 10 yds.

After a win in the first event, Kevin Jackson lead his team, "The Gangstas of Love" to another solid finish in the bag pull, finishing second only behind team "SAWS" led by captain Eric Binder.  Not only did Binder and his team win the event, but they did so in a commanding fashion, winning the event by nearly 30 seconds, gaining some time on "The Gangstas of Love" after their dominating victory in the Plate Carry.

Here were the final results from the event:

Team Binder "SAWS" - 4:55
Team Jackson "The Gangstas of Love" - 5:24
Team Lawson "The Team Formally Known as Prince" - 5:49
Team Pappas "Team Sanchez" - 5:50
Team Klimesh "Green Death" - 6:18
Team Keiser - 6:25

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Results After Day 1 Team Big Cat Challenge

Yesterday, the Tigers started the team portion of the Big Cat Challenge with the Plate Carry event.  Each member of each team carried two 45 lb. plates 90 yds and back in a relay style race.  The run required speed and also a great amount of grip strength as the players were not allowed to grip the weights by their handles.  Instead they were only allowed to carry them by the grooved edges which provided quite the challenge for many.

"The Gangstas of Love" led by team captain Kevin Jackson won the event in an impressive time of 3:45 with no penalties.  The team got off to a rough start but Jackson was able to put together a dominant run to put his team right back in the mix of things and each member of the team then followed up with solid runs to claim the win.

Although Jackson's team made the event look easy, several players struggled with the grip strength portion of the race costing their teams valuable seconds.  However, every team has the opportunity to gain ground on Jackson's "Gangstas of Love" in every event leading up to the Obstacle Course.

Here are the results after the first completed event:

Team Jackson "Gangstas of Love" - 3:45
Team Pappas "Team Sanchez" - 4:19
Team Klimesh "Green Death" - 4:20
Team Binder "Jaws" - 5:15
Team Lawson: 7:03
Team Keiser: 7:48

As you can see, the "Gangsta's of Love" have a commanding lead after Day 1, but every team is still in the hunt and will be scratching and clawing to close the gap in the following events.

Click here to see footage from yesterday's Plate Carry event.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Teams set for Big Cat Challenge

This evening, after today's practice, the Tigers will kick off the Big Cat Team Competition.  Last night, captains Nick Pappas, Kevin Jackson, Will Keiser, Eric Binder, Ben Klimesh and Andrew Lawson met with the coaching staff and held a draft.  This group of competitors finished top 6 in the individual Big Cat competition, minus Dom Robusto of course who decided not to compete in the team events and allowing himself to recover from a hamstring tweak.

Each of the first 5 events will all be timed and accumulated before the final Obstacle Course Event.  The cumulative timee in these events will decide where each team starts on the final day.  For example, if team A compiles a total time in the first 5 events of 20 minutes and team B's total time if 21 minutes, team A have a 1 minute head start in the obstacle course and team B will have to make that time up over the course of the event and finish before team A.

Today's event is the Plate Carry Relay.  In this competition, players will be required to carry a 45 lb. plate in each hand and sprint up and back the turf intramural practice field in a relay style until each member of the team has completed the run.

Here are the results of last nights draft:

Pappas             Jackson       Keiser         Binder      Klimesh       Lawson
Paillet               Lucero         Warren       Murphy    Bentz           Frasier
Barron             Hunter          Donnan       Felix         Ryan            Bay
Rockafellow    Hall              Calbick        Jones        Fink             Webb
Heckerl            Haaf             Woodruff    Spriggs     Stanton       Knowlton
Bogese             Panozzo       Clements    Francke   Grimshaw   Burden

Monday, January 18, 2010

Big Cat Team Events Announced

This year's Big Cat team events are:
- Plate Carry Relay
- Bag Pull Relay
- Swim Relay
- Tug-of-War
- Tire Flips
- Obstacle Course

Big Cat Individual Final Standings

The final day of the Big Cat Individual Challenge was one that gave players a chance to decide their own fate in the final standings.  Players were grouped based on their position on the leaderboard.  The top 10 competitors going into the event performed the workout in pairs with an opportunity to leapfrog their opponent in the final rankings.

Going into the event, sophomore Dom Robusto was holding on to first place by 5 points over both sophomore Nick Pappas and junior Kevin Jackson.  However, on the off day before the final event, Robusto tweaked his hamstring while running a sprint in practice so he was questionable going into the event.

The drama ensued as last year's individual champion Will Keiser posted the best time in the event giving him a legitimate chance to repeat if the top 3 were to slip up in the WOD.  Pappas then ended the chance of the first repeat champion in recorded Big Cat history* by overtaking Keiser's top time by several seconds, putting him in a great position to be the new Big Cat champion.

All this time, Robusto was still a question mark and finally was allowed to compete in the event, but only  under the close watch of strength and conditioning coach Nick Vera to be sure that his form was not impaired by his hamstring injury.  If Vera were to see any break in form, Robusto would be shut down for the event and take a DNF, eliminating his chances to claim the crown.

So in the final heat of the WOD, Robusto and Jackson went head to head to decide this year's champion with Pappas watching closely to see if his time would hold up and give him the win.  The two athlete's put on an incredible display of strength and athleticism, Robusto actually performed almost every burpee on one leg to avoid re-injuring his hamstring.  The heat was neck and neck nearly the entire workout, but it was Robusto who not only won the matchup, but also finished with the top time overcoming his handicap of competing mostly on one leg.

The overall effort of every competitor throughout the competition was astounding.  We now look forward to this week's beginning of the Team Big Cat Challenge.  The top 6 finishers were awarded with the opportunity to be captain's for the team challenge, however, Robusto chose not to participate in the team challenge to give his hamstring an opportunity to heal and allowed senior Andrew Lawson the chance to be a captain since he was the next highest seeded finisher.  Later tonight, the team events will be posted so captains will have the opportunity set up for the draft.

Here are the final standing from the Individual Big Cat Challenge:

Name Total
Robusto 34
Pappas 40
Jackson 46
Keiser 50
Binder 53
Klimesh 59
Lawson 71
Paillet 75
Donnan 81
Murphy 84
Hunter 86
Bay 89
Bentz 90
Woodruff 92
Spriggs 94
Knowlton 96
Barron 97
Ryan 99
Haaf 99
Hall 104
Rockafellow 111
Panozzo 113
Lucero 124
Fink 131
Felix 136
Bogese 139
Grimshaw 143
Heckerl 145
Jones 145
Webb 148
Warren 151
Clements 162
Frasier 163
Calbick 168
Burden 187
Stanton 188
Foster 193
Francke 194
Robertson 206

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Individual Big Cat Challenge Day 6 - The WOD

After a day off yesterday to give the players a chance to rest and recover after 5 events in 5 days, the Tigers concluded the individual portion of the Big Cat Challenge today with the WOD event.

The Tigers have been doing workouts this season that are constantly varied and very intense.  The players are assigned a WOD (Workout of the Day) each day that consists of functional movements such as squats, deadlifts, cleans, pushups and pullups done over a certain period of time or for a prescribed set of repetitions.  This style of training instills a competitive atmosphere in the weight room and is an extremely efficient and effective.

Players were unaware of the design of the WOD until moments before they entered the weight room to start the final event.  Rumors were spread amongst players that the workout would be a max pullup/pushup contest or a max bodyweight back squat in 1 minute.  The WOD was posted just after today's practice and it read:

3 Rounds of:
5 Cleans @ 135 lbs
7 Burpees
9 KB Swings (24 kg)

Although the workout was short, 2 to 4 minutes for most players, it was also grueling, leaving players lying on the ground gasping for air several minutes after completing the WOD.  The times are currently being entered into the Big Cat spreadsheet to see where players ended up after the final event.  Check back tomorrow to see the results of the WOD along with video and also the final standings of the individual competition.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Big Cat Day 5 - Hill Sprint

Friday's event tested not only the player's ability to sprint uphill, but also their ability to deal with surrounding elements.  First, the event was complicated by the fact that they not only had to sprint approximately 150 meters uphill, but they were also weighed down by a 50+ pound sandbag.  On top of that, they had to deal with the rain and a cool night in San Antonio.

Unlike the previous events where players stuck around to view the results of others in a particular event, after completing the Hill Sprint, players were happy to head back to the locker room to get out of the rain and the cold.  Fortunately, many of them were provided a shuttle back down the hill after running the spring to regain leg strength and catch their breathe after a tough all out sprint.

Sophomore utility man Dom Robusto claimed the victory in the event with a stellar time of 26.49 seconds.  With the win and the separation he created between his competitors, Robusto overtook the overall lead in the individual Big Cat competition.  Former chart topper Kevin Jackson put together a solid time at 28.92 seconds up the hill, but enough players came between him and Robusto to see Jackson lose claim of the lead.

Here were the results of Friday's Hill Sprint Event:

Name Time Points
Robusto 26.49 1
Binder 27.29 2
Pappas 27.54 3
Lawson 27.93 4
Fink 28.11 5
Paillet 28.3 6
Barron 28.53 7
Keiser 28.71 8
Klimesh 28.88 9
Jackson 28.92 10
Ryan 28.92 10
Donnan 29.03 12
Bentz 29.12 13
Knowlton 29.31 14
Rockafellow 29.5 15
Lucero 29.98 16
Hall 30.41 17
Bay 30.62 18
Bogese 31.23 19
Hunter 31.23 19
Panozzo 31.37 21
Woodruff 31.42 22
Clements 31.44 23
Haaf 31.51 24
Murphy 31.94 25
Webb 32.02 26
Spriggs 32.36 27
Grimshaw 32.85 28
Foster 32.96 29
Stanton 34.33 30
Heckerl 34.43 31
Frasier 35.81 32
Calbick 35.95 33
Jones 36.42 34
Burden 37.85 35
Francke 36
Warren 36
Felix 36