Sunday, January 17, 2010

Individual Big Cat Challenge Day 6 - The WOD

After a day off yesterday to give the players a chance to rest and recover after 5 events in 5 days, the Tigers concluded the individual portion of the Big Cat Challenge today with the WOD event.

The Tigers have been doing workouts this season that are constantly varied and very intense.  The players are assigned a WOD (Workout of the Day) each day that consists of functional movements such as squats, deadlifts, cleans, pushups and pullups done over a certain period of time or for a prescribed set of repetitions.  This style of training instills a competitive atmosphere in the weight room and is an extremely efficient and effective.

Players were unaware of the design of the WOD until moments before they entered the weight room to start the final event.  Rumors were spread amongst players that the workout would be a max pullup/pushup contest or a max bodyweight back squat in 1 minute.  The WOD was posted just after today's practice and it read:

3 Rounds of:
5 Cleans @ 135 lbs
7 Burpees
9 KB Swings (24 kg)

Although the workout was short, 2 to 4 minutes for most players, it was also grueling, leaving players lying on the ground gasping for air several minutes after completing the WOD.  The times are currently being entered into the Big Cat spreadsheet to see where players ended up after the final event.  Check back tomorrow to see the results of the WOD along with video and also the final standings of the individual competition.


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