Friday, January 29, 2010

Back to Work...


Next week we are going to start our in-season program that will consist of 3 lifts a week.  Most of the work will be strength based with supplementary exercises and less WOD based.  The workouts will be designed so that you aren't spending more than 30 minutes in the weight room at a time.  I understand practices are long and take up a good chunk of your day so I want you guys to get in the weight room, get your work in and get out.

That being said, I fully expect you guys to be getting these 3 lifts in each week.  There should be no excuses, you have all week to get these workouts in.  The workouts will be full body each day, no upper body/lower body split.  We will continue running sprints and doing agility and med ball work in our pre-practice time.

Position guys... for now I would split these workouts up to Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  When the season starts, you would want to get these in on days we aren't playing, or early enough in the morning on a game day that they wouldn't affect you later on.

Pitchers... I'll talk to Dave more on this, but you guys also need to be doing these lifts based on your pitching schedule.  Ideally, you would spread these out so that you have a day or two rest before your next start or appearance.  Relievers run on a little different schedule, but since guys don't really have assigned roles yet, get the work in when you see fit.

I am finishing up the in-season program right now, should have it finished up by the end of the day.


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