Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday 12/1

7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Deadlift @ 150% of Bodyweight
Clean @ 75% of Bodyweight
Bench Press @ Bodyweight (Either barbell or DB equivalent)

- Scale weight as needed.  Really focus on form on the deadlift.  Don't do a weight if you are going to do reps with poor form
- Both hang cleans and power cleans are acceptable
- Cycle through exercises as you complete a set of each.  Ex. 7 deadlifts, 7 cleans, 7 bench press, 6 deadlifts, 6 cleans, 6 bench...

Post: WOD Time (if you scale at all, place a (*) next to your time)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Monday 11/30

Welcome back fellas.  We'll be running timed 40's on Thursday or Friday, I'll let you know tomorrow.  Also, agility drills will be added this week.  We will either meet one night to go over them or I will take video and post them so you guys can know what to do when I post these drills.

Hang Cleans
3 x 4
- Not a 4 rep max. Use a moderate weight and focus on moving the bar explosively
Front Squat
3 x 4
- Again, not a 4 rep max, moderate weight and focus on speed UP out of the bottom of the squat

10 Pullups followed by 30 secs rest
- Complete as many rounds as possible without breaking any set of the pullups
- If you are unable to complete 5 Rounds, break up as many sets as needed to reach 50 pullups (jumping is allowed after you break a set)

3 x 10 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
...Superset the next 3 exercises...
3 x 10 Weighted Back Extensions
3 x 10 GHD Situps
3 x 30 Russian twists w/25 lb plate (15 each side)

(8) 50 yd Full Recovery Sprints
- Don't start a sprint if you are at all fatigued from the previous

Post: Number of pullup rounds competed before breaking a set

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Saturday 11/28

Make sure you get some work in today.  I'm not going to post a specific workout because I know some guys don't have access to a gym or all the equipment needed.  Be ready to hit it hard when you get back in town.  Get ready to buckle down every day to make sure you're getting your baseball work in and taking care of school.  Your goal should be to not miss a workout, hitting session, etc. for any reason and the way you do this is by managing your time.  See you fellas soon.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wednesday 11/25

No strength or WOD work today or tomorrow.  Do the running that follows along with any additional work you want either Wednesday or Thursday.  Friday we will be back on a normal schedule.  Get out and do this running...

Running (After plyos and a thorough warmup...)
(5) 30 yd Sprints
(5) 5-10-5 Pro Shuttles
(5) 5 yd Shuffle Left to 15 yd Sprint (Cut around a small barrier...cone, baseball, hat, etc)
(5) 5 yd Shuffle Right to 15 yd Sprint (Cut around a small barrier...cone, baseball, hat, etc)
- Each of these are to be done on full recovery.  Don't do a rep if you are at all fatigued from the one preceding it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tuesday 11/24

Couple things... I will continue posting workouts through the Thanksgiving break.  If you have access to the equipment required to do these workouts, do the prescribed workout.  If not, you guys are on your own for a few days, but be sure and get some work in during the break.  If any running is posted, you should be able to do it no matter where you are, so get this done.

We are moving into a new phase of the program, a more power specific phase.  We will be incorporating more explosive movements, if you have any questions be sure to ask me and I can come help you with these movements.  Also, as soon as you get back we will add agility workouts to the program so be ready for that when you get back.

5 @ 65% of 1RM
5 @ 75% of 1RM
5+ @ 85% of 1RM
- Do 10 (5 each leg) Explosive step ups upon completion of a set.  Rest 2 min after step ups.
- These are 3 different sets of 5.  1 RM = 1 Rep Max, get used to this terminology.  There is a chart in the weight room that gives percentages of 1 Rep Max which makes this process pretty easy.  If not, you guys are smart and can figure these weight out.  Base 1RM off of your last max effort lift.

4 x 8 Explosive Side-2-Side Jumps (4 sets of 4 each leg)
-Try and see how far you can go laterally.  Really load up between reps and explode of the plant leg)

Superset the next two exercises...
4 x 10 Step up to 1 legged RDL (4 sets of 5 each leg)
4 x 10 Pistols (4 sets of 5 each leg)
- Use the bench if you need support at the bottom of the squat, but only as support.

3 Rounds of as many clapping pushups as you can do.  After each round, hold a front plank for 1 min, then go on to the next round of pushups.

Monday 11/23

Hang Cleans
3 x 6
- 10 Alternating lunge jumps immediately following the set (5 each leg)
- Jump as high as possible each jump
- Rest 2 min after jumps

10 Rounds:
4 Pullups
4 Knees-2-Elbows
-Try and stay on the bar as long as possible

(10) 100 yd sprints
-Start each sprint at the top of the minute
-Ex: If you finish a sprint in :15, you have :45 before starting the next

Post: WOD Time

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday 11/21

2 x 5 Hang Clean (Use a lighter weight (80% of 5 rep max) that provides resistance and focus on bar speed)
2 x 5 Front Squat (Again, a weight that would be about 80% of your 5 rep max and focus on form)


Partner Workout: DB Complex
Snatch Left
Snatch Right
High Pulls

Partner 1 does 6 reps of each exercise...
Partner 2 does 6 reps of each exercise...
Partner 1 does 5 reps of each...
Partner 2 does 5 reps of each...
Partner 1 does 4 reps of each...
Partner 2 does 4 reps of each...
Partner 1 does 1 rep of each...
Partner 2 does 1 rep of each...
- If for some reason you don't have a partner... Rest as long as it took you to complete the previous round before you start the next

(8) 5 yd. Starts
- Focus on quick short steps
(8) 30 yd sprints
- Full recovery sprints
- This should mean at least 2 minutes rest between sprints... do not be impatient, make sure you are fully recovered between each sprint

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday 11/20

Again... 40's have been cancelled for today due to weather

1 x 20 Back Squat
- Very light loading, shouldn't be something you struggle with too much.  Make sure you maintain form and get to parallel each rep

Tabata Day (:20 on :10 off)
Combo 1 (Alternating each movement until you complete each movement 8 times):
Side-2-Side Jumps
Box Jumps

Combo 2 (Alternating each movement until you complete each movement 8 times):
Russian Twists w/25 lb plate

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thursday 11/19

Friday we will test 40 times again.  I will also go over some of the agility drills we will be adding starting next week and the week after Thanksgiving.  If we do not complete all the 40's, we will continue testing on Saturday.  Tomorrow I will post the different times for the testing.

3, 3, 1, 1
***Do not continue going up in weight if you feel you are losing form

Superset 1 (3 sets of 8 each):
Single arm/Single leg RDL
Explosive Med Ball Press w/partner

Superset 2 (3 sets of 8 each):

DB Overhead Squat (4 each arm)
Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
Knees 2 Elbows

Post: 1 rep max deadlift

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tuesday 11/17

Hang Cleans
3, 3, 1, 1

3 x 8 KB Swings (Heavy)
3 x 8 Good Mornings
3 x 8 Pushup-Dip Combo
3 x 8 Inverted Pullup (feet elevated on physio-ball)
3 x 8 Back Extensions on GHD
3 x 8 Ab Rollouts
- Complete each exercise before moving to the next

2 Sets of (10) 5-10-5 Shuttles
- Sprint 5 yards, return to start line, sprint 10 yards, return to start line, sprint 5 yards, finish at start line
- Focus on turns and accelerating after turns
- 20 seconds between sprints
- 2 min rest between sets

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday 11/16

Back Squat
3, 3, 1, 1 (2 sets of 3, 2 sets of 1)

3 Rounds of 4 minutes on, 2 minutes off:
10 DB Thrusters (full squat to choose the weight)
10 KB Chops or DB Chops, preferably KB
10 Pushups

1 Rep Max Back Squat and Total Complete Rounds (partial rounds do not count)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Saturday 11/14

I'm out of town for the weekend so if you need anything give me a call or shoot me a text or email.  I'll be back sometime Sunday...

Position players... ideally these workouts are to be done after your hitting program.  If your scheduled time to hit is late in the evening on a given day, try to do these workouts earlier in the day so that you have at least an hour or two rest before you start swinging.  Just a hint: the morning is a great time to get these workouts done especially for you guys on campus.

5 x 5 Weighted Pullups
5 x 5 Weighted Pushups

5 Rounds:
10 Tire Flips + Burpee Box Jumps
- Alternate sets with your partner.  One partner rests while the other works.  As soon as one partner is done, the next one picks up with the flips
- Be sure to get your butt low on the tire flips (watch form on the video)
- Use the biggest tire we have in the visitors bullpen

...then, after about a 10 min rest...

(4) 200 m sprints
- 2 min rest between sprints

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Friday 11/13

2 x 5 Deadlift
2 x 3 Deadlift

If possible, rest at least 30 min between deadlifts and running...

(8) 40 yd sprints
- Full recovery between sprints
- This means do not start a sprint if you are fatigued at all
- 2-3 minutes between sprints

Optional WOD (To be done after running)
DB Thrusters (35 lb)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thursday 11/12

2 x 5 Front Squat
2 x 3 Front Squat

3 x 10 Renegade Rows (5 each hand)
- 1-2 min rest b/w sets


5 Rounds:
10 KB Swings (55 lbs)
10 Overhead Squats (45 lb bar)
10 Overhead Lunges (45 lb bar, 5 each leg)

3 rep max front squat and Metcon time

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wednesday 11/10

Rest day

This guys is sick...

As much as I was laughing at this guy explaining these drills, a lot of you guys can benefit from these drills and tips on sprinting. (I don't like the turnover drill)

This guy knows a little about hitting.  Click on the different angles in the bottom right to listen to different clips.

I sent this one to a couple guys, this is also for hitters.  Take some time and check these out, if you know of a problem you have, watch how different guys execute that part of their swing.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Tuesday 11/10

2 x 5 Hang Cleans
2 x 3 Hang Cleans

Superset 1 (3 sets of 8 each):
Good Mornings
Med Ball Slams
Ab Rollouts

Superset 2 (3 sets of 8 each)
Alternating Lunge Jumps
Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
Knees 2 Elbows

- Cycle through movements in the order listed.  Example: 8 good mornings then 8 med ball slams then 8 ab rollouts...repeat and repeat again.  Then move on to the next superset and do the same.
- Supersets are not timed, but not more than 30 secs rest before moving to next exercise

A. (10) 5 yard starts
- Position players start from steal jump
- Pitchers start with leg lift motion as if you were in the stretch. As soon as your lead foot hits the ground, start your sprint

B. 2 sets of (10) 30 yd sprints
- 9 seconds rest between sprints, 2 min rest between sets
- Each sprint is max effort

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monday 11/9

2 x 5 Back Squat
2 x 3 Back Squat

Deadlift (80% of last 5 rep max)
- I don't want you to time this workout because I want you to focus on form for the deadlifts.  Try not to leave the bar on any of the pullup sets.

3 rep max Back Squat

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sat. 11/7

3 x 3 Weighted Pushup
3 x 3 Weighted Pullup

On you own.  Choose a workout or movements we have done in the past and get some work in.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fri. 11/6

3 x 3 Front Squat

3 x 8 Med ball presses w/partner
3 x 8 Med Ball Presses on GHD
Core and Forearm work of choice

- All med ball presses are max effort and explosive

(12) 30 yd sprints
- Full recovery in between sprints...meaning you will be resting about 2 minutes between sprints

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thurs. 11/5

3 x 3 Deadlift

As many rounds as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 Pullups
10 Cleans @ 115 lbs (Hang or Power Clean)

3 sets of 8 each side
- Notice the use of my lower half in the video.  Be sure to pivot on the back side foot.  Add weight if you want, but don't go over 25 lbs.  Be explosive in this movement.
- There is a tool in the weight room that looks like a home plate... this is what you use for this exercise

Wed. 11/4

Day off.  Check back today.  I will be posting videos and information for upcoming workouts.  Keep working hard fellas.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tues. 11/2

3 x 3 Hang Clean
-Bar cannot touch ground once you start the set

3 x 10 Weighted Back Extensions
3 x 10 Weighted Situps on GHD machine
3 x 10 Knees to Elbows
- All three exercises are to be done at a controlled pace, not for speed

1 set of (10) 60 yd sprints followed by 1 set of (10) 30 yd sprints
- 2 minutes rest between sets
- 18 sec. rest between 60 yd sprints, 9 sec rest between 30 yd sprints
- These sprints are to be run at 85-90% each with an emphasis on long, powerful strides
- Do not cheat the rest, only allow yourself to rest the alloted time between sprints...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monday 11/2

3 x 3 Back Squat

WOD (Changing metcon to wod (workout of the day) now since I don't plan on everyday being a timed metabolic workout)
4 x 8 Explosive Side-2-Side Jumps (4 sets of 4 each leg)
-Try and see how far you can go laterally.  Really load up between reps and explode of the plant leg)

Superset the next two exercises...
4 x 10 Step up to 1 legged RDL (4 sets of 5 each leg)
4 x 10 Pistols (4 sets of 5 each leg)
- Use the bench if you need support at the bottom of the squat, but only as support.

3 Rounds of as many clapping pushups as you can do.  After each round, hold a front plank for 1 min, then go on to the next round of pushups.