Tuesday, September 29, 2009

9/28 Results (OH Lunge/KB Swing)

Hunter 2:28
Felix 2:37
Knowlton 2:48
Grimshaw 2:53
Frasier 2:55
Jackson 2:59
Donnan 3:00
Calbick 3:02
Robusto 3:04
Bentz 3:06

Wednesday 9/30

3 Rounds:
Max Pullups

- Rest 2 min between sets
- Kipping is allowed, Jumping is NOT

5 Rounds:
20 Side-2-Side Jumps
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95 lbs)

- 10 side-2-side jumps each leg

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tuesday 9/29

Rest Day

New schedule for position players looks like this...

Monday - On
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - On
Thursday - On
Friday - Off
Saturday - On
Sunday - Off

This schedule will continue for the next 4 weeks we are in our fall season.

I want Tuesdays to be a day of complete rest. Maybe some stretching or foam rolling, but do not pick up a weight or do anything strenuous. Your bodies need this full day off to recover.

Keep me informed on how you guys' bodies are feeling. If you are really starting to feel run down, let me know and we will talk.

Pitchers - I just posted your running schedule. Day 1 is the first day you run after your previous start. Day 2 is the in between day, and Day 3 is the day closest to your next start. The workouts are progressively more explosive leading up to your start/day you pitch. Let me know if you have any questions...

Monday 9/28


3 Rounds:
20 KB/DB Swing (45 lbs)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday Results

Robusto 4:15
Jackson 4:43
Walden 4:57
Felix 5:15
Paillet 5:31
Hall 5:41
Francke 5:42
Grimshaw 5:50
Clements 6:09
Lawson 6:14

Friday, September 25, 2009

Saturday 9/26

3 x 3 Hang Clean
- Bar can not touch the floor in the middle of a set

3 Rounds:
Body weight back squat
- As many reps as possible in 30 seconds, rest 1 minute
- Load the bar with your body weight, ex. I would do my squat with 195 on the bar because currently that is what I am weighing.
- I would rather you get 7 legit squats in one round than 15 half ass squats
- Post total reps
- If possible, rest at least 30 min - 1 hr between this and today's running

2 Rounds:
(10) 30 yd sprints at 80-90%
- As soon as you cross the 30 yd mark, get back on the line and sprint back
- Rest 2 min between sets
- To be done with cleats on grass

Max Day Results

Frasier 425
Jones 405
Pappas 400
Hunter 395
Robusto 385
Felix 385
Walden 385
Binder 385
Calbick 375

Jones 400
Frasier 385
Walden 385
Knowlton 365
Keiser 355
Hunter 350
Heckerl 335
Haaf 335
Pappas 335
Felix 315
Murphy 315

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Friday 9/25

6 sets of 6 box jumps (high boxes)
- 2 sets of 6 normal box jumps...
- 2 sets of 6 depth jumps (small and medium wooden box together) followed by...
- 2 sets of 6 seated box jumps

- Give yourself plenty of rest between sets
- Try and land with your legs at a 90 degree angle, try not to let your hips sink lower than your knees upon landing
- Land softly (on the balls of your feet)
- Depth jump should be your strongest/highest jump, seated should be weakest

7 Rounds:
7 Burpees
7 Pullups
7 Box Jumps

Thursday 9/24 - Rest Day

Day off... I'm going to leave the deadlift/squat numbers up for the pitchers who didn't get a chance to do their maxes yesterday.

Lately I've seen a lot of lifting without your assigned partners. For the most part, guys have been letting me know that this will be the case on a particular day which I appreciate, but the rate at which this is occurring is unacceptable. I see it as a lack of effort as partners to find a time that works for the both of you. Sure, there are going to be scheduling conflicts, but I'd be willing to bet that there is a 30-45 minute window every day that you guys could meet up in the weight room. Call me crazy...

Let's get this situation cleaned up. We assigned partners for a reason, it wasn't just a random selection. Dave took time to decide which pitchers should work together and I took the time to organize the position players in a way I thought would benefit every player. I understand there will be occasions where you guys simply can't lift together on a certain day, but this should happen no more than once every couple weeks. Ask yourselves if you're really trying to meet in the middle with your partner on the days you haven't lifted together... I'm willing to bet I know the answer.

Position guys... during the fall season, we're going to be cutting down on lifting days per week. We will lift 4 days a week starting next week. We will have one day during the week that is completely off. It's looking like we'll be practicing Friday-Monday. It's not set in stone yet, but here's a question for you guys: Would you rather have Tuesday off (chance to recover after practice and lifts) or Thursday off (chance to enter the practice week fresh)? I want you guys to post your answer to the comments and it will be a majority vote for which day we get off.

We're also going to be integrating more sprint/explosive/rotational power movements as we move through the fall, just a heads up.

Have a good day off fellas, I'll be posting an article here in a bit so stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday 9/23

Find Max Deadlift and Max Back Squat
- Do not sacrifice form for weight
- Squats must be AT LEAST parallel
- Either grip may be used on deadlift
- Partners stay attentive and let each other know when form is poor
- Partners... do not allow one another to count a squat that is not deep enough. Be accountable for each other and make each other better by ensuring you are both squatting deep
- Rest 2-3 minutes between max effort attempts
- If you feel at all uncomfortable with either of these movements, DO NOT go to a weight that you are unsure you can handle

L-Sit Challenge
- 3 attempts, record total time held over 3 attempts
- If unable to perform l-sit, do planks but note this on the board

L-sit video (Just hold the 'L' position, don't do the pullup; also can be done on dip bar)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday's Results

Felix 3:05
Frasier 3:05
Keiser 3:48
Calbick 3:54
Pappas 4:20
Hunter 4:47
Knowlton 4:59
Paillet 6:55
Robusto 7:13

Bay 151
Jackson 150
Robusto 130
Pappas 121
Lawson 117
Grimshaw 115
Knowlton 110
Haaf 103
Felix 102
Heckerl 94

Tuesday 9/22

No Strength Today
Max Deadlift and Squat Tomorrow

6 Rounds:
10 Thrusters (65-95 lbs)
10 Pullups
- 1 min rest between sets

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Monday 9/21

Movement Prep/Plyos

3 Rounds
Max Pushups
-2 min rest between sets
-Chest to ground and full extension on pushups (partners make sure this happens)

3 rounds:
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Front Squat
3 Burpees

Recommended weight: 95-135 lbs
-Weight stays the same for each exercise throughout the wod

-Post total pushups and metcon time

Sunday Rest Day

Apparently somebody came into the weight room yesterday and erased our board... This pisses me off. If anybody knows who it was let me know and let me handle the situation. If it ever happens while you are in the weight room, confront the person, maybe ask them what the hell they are doing, but don't start any shit over it.

I walked by the weight room a few times while people were doing the partner DB workout a couple days ago... you guys still don't seem to understand the importance of form in these workouts. All I can really do is continue to try and pound the message into your heads. I understand the competitive atmosphere in there which I love, but range of motion and quality of movement CAN NOT be overlooked in these workouts. Go back and look at the videos that I posted and ask yourself if you got as deep as I do on the thrusters... AND BE YOUR OWN CRITIC. Don't be afraid to call yourself out on something like this. Realize the need to strive for perfection in every movement you do and recognize when you half ass something. The sense of accomplishment is much greater when you make the top 10 on a certain day where you know every one of your reps was legit. It's a fucking joke otherwise.

Sometime this week we will be doing some more testing... max squat and deadlift. I'll keep you updated on what day we'll be doing this, plan on the middle of the week.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Saturday 9/19

Movement Prep/Plyos

3 x 3 Hang Cleans

10 Deadlift @ 155
15 Pullups

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Friday 9/18

Movement Prep/Plyos


Partner Workout:
Partners will alternate doing the dumbbell complex that we've been using as our warmup. The first round, each partner will do 6 reps of each exercise. Second round, each partner will do 5 reps...Then each partner will do rounds of 4, 3, 2, and 1. This is to be done for speed, but as always, with a focus on form. In case you need a reminder, here is the list of exercises...

Snatch Left
Snatch Right
High Pulls

To make sure this is clear I will outline how this should work...
Partner 1 does 6 reps of each exercise...
Partner 2 does 6 reps of each exercise...
Partner 1 does 5 reps of each...
Partner 2 does 5 reps of each...
Partner 1 does 4 reps of each...
Partner 2 does 4 reps of each...
Partner 1 does 1 rep of each...
Partner 2 does 1 rep of each...

You will post the total time it takes for you and your partner to complete the workout. I think I have each pair listed next to each other on the board... if not feel free to change it but keep the board neat.

I won't be getting to the weight room until 9ish so if you do the workout before then, post your time next to your front squat weight.

Tuesday Results

Top 10... crazy fucks on the team for killing this workout

Robusto 12:16
Felix 12:32
Grimshaw 13:02
Knowlton 13:36
Early 14:53
Pappas 15:01
Haaf 15:32
Clendenning 15:40
Robertson 15:58
Paillet 16:01

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday Results

Robusto 2:20
Felix 2:30
Spriggs 2:30
Calbick 2:32
Bentz 2:33
Donnan 2:37
Barron 2:38
Keiser 2:41
Walden 2:43
Francke 2:44

Strength; 3 x 3 squat
Walden 345
Jones 335
Frasier 315
Pappas 305
Knowton 295
Felix 295
Robusto 295
Solomon 295
Murphy 275
Keiser 275
Calbick 275

Wednesday 9/16

Movement Prep/Plyos
Same DB complex as yesterday. Really work on improving form and try and get up to 45 lb DB's.

3 x 5 Front Squat

- Really drive the elbows up throughout this movement
- This is a lift we haven't really worked on too much, so be sure you are comfortable with it before loading on the weight

3 Rounds
15 Overhead Squats (45 lb bar)
15 GHD Situps
15 Back Extensions

- This will not be a timed workout... This is to ensure that you get the work in with the correct form especially on the overhead squats. Work to get below parallel.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tuesday 9/15

Watch the videos at the bottom of this post. Work on these moves with a kettlebell/dumbbell that is a weight you are comfortable with. I did 2 reps of each and showed 2 different angles so you guys can get a peek at form. Here is the warm-up...

3 Rounds (Alternate turns with your partner. One person does the warmup while the other rests)
3 KB Swing
3 KB Snatch w/L arm
3 KB Snatch w/R arm
3 KB Cleans
3 KB Thrusters
3 KB Pushups
3 KB High Pulls
3 KB Burpees

-Again, be sure to use a KB/DB weight that you know you can handle with these new movements. I'll try and be in the weight room tomorrow as much as possible to check form on these...

No strength work today... Continue to work on improving any lifts that need work.

part A:
5 rounds:
8 Deadlifts @ 185 lbs*** (Scale if necessary)
15 Pushups
rest 3 min

part B:
5 rounds:
10 Burpees
10 KB/DB Swing - 45 lbs
rest 3 min

part C:
5 rounds:
8 pullups
15 Goblet Squat - 60 lbs

----Keep track of total elapsed time including part a, b, c and rest. That is your time for the day...


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monday 9/14

A quick word about strength work... Any time we do strength work I only want you guys to count work sets. These are the sets that you are actually reaching a weight near your 3-rep, 5-rep, or 1-rep max.
I'll use myself as an example as how I would approach today's strength work which will be 3 sets of 3 squats. After doing all of my movement prep work, I would load 135 on the bar and knock out 8 to 10 squats. Then move up to 185 for a set of 5, then 225 for a set of 5. From here I'd do 1 more set as I got ready for my work sets... probably a set of 3 at 275. Now is where I would actually start counting my work sets. If 275 went up pretty easily I might go with 295 for 3, then 305 for 3, then 315 for 3. You shouldn't be having huge jumps (40+lbs) in your work sets. If you do, this means you started off your work sets too light. Here's an overview of what the strength portion looked like here... (Work sets are in bold)

135 (10), 185 (5), 225 (5), 275 (3), 295 (3), 305 (3), 315 (3)

Everybody's day will be a little different, I just want to get the point across that work sets are exactly that, sets where you are really battling to get the weight up (but not at the expense of good form!)

3 x 3 Back Squat

3 Rounds:
20 KB/DB Swings (45 lbs)
20 Box Jump

***Scale weight as necessary

Testing Monday!

Tomorrow (9/14) I will be testing 40's at 3 different times...
8:30 am
2:00 pm
7:00 pm

- We will run these on the track
- I like 40's better than 60's for a couple reasons... They test your ability to accelerate and still give you a chance to show top speed. Don't get me wrong, Coach Scannell will probably test 60's at some point, but for this program I feel like 40's will better represent speed and ability to accelerate
- Try to get the testing in before your workout, I'd like to get an accurate time so I don't want fatigue to come into play

Saturday Results

Looks like everybody did a pretty good job selecting weight on Saturday for the metcon. When deciding what weight to use on a workout like this one where the prescribed weight might be more than you can handle, decide on a weight that will challenge you, but also one that you won't spend the majority of the workout staring at while it sits on the ground. If in doubt... go lighter. You will still get the desired training effect at a lighter weight unless of course I specify to go heavy on a workout.


Robusto 59
Jackson 57
Lawson 51
Haaf 48
Felix 41
Pappas 41
Keiser 40
Clements 35
Walden 35
Heckerl 35


Felix 4:05
Pappas 4:09
Robertson 4:58
Knowlton 5:03
Frasier 5:08
Robusto 5:25
Walden 6:08
Keiser 6:43
Paillet 7:40
Binder 7:53

Sunday-9/13-Rest Day

I'll post an article later on today, but I'm looking to add some new music to my workout playlist... Post your favorite workout songs and I'll try and download some of them and play them while I'm around the weight room...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Saturday 9/12

3 Rounds
Max rep strict pullups

- No kipping or swinging allowed
- Full range of motion = elbows locked out at bottom, chin over bar at top (if you are unable to perform more than a few pullups at a time, continue with as many partial range of motion as possible)

5 Rounds:
10 Hang Cleans @ 135 lbs
15 Pushups

- Regular hang cleans... not hang squat cleans like we did in the test
- Pushups are chest to ground and back up to full extension. Make sure you partners chest touches the ground each rep
- Scale the weight if needed. If you know 135 is too heavy, go down in weight. You will get a better workout if you work with a weight you can manage with good form.

Friday 9/11

3 x 5 Deadlift

5 Rounds:
Suicides (B-Ball Gym)
5 Burpees
- 2 min rest between rounds

-Start at baseline, sprint to free throw line and back, sprint to half court and back, sprint to opposite free throw line and back, sprint full court and back... then do 5 burpees

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday 9/10 - Rest Day

Another solid 3 days of work so far this week. I'm liking what I've seen so far, let's keep it up. Again if you guys have any comments regarding the program, any of the workouts, or whatever, feel free to post a comment or send me an email. Your feedback will only make the program better.

I'm going to sound like a broken record here...but I still want to stress form on everything we do. This goes from the simplest movements such as the pushup to the most complex movements like the clean. Read today's article, it's a great one and really reinforces my point.

Next week we will be doing more testing. Right now, it's looking like we'll run 40's on Monday. I'm trying to set up different times that you guys can run them throughout the day. These times are most definitely not official, but I'm thinking of 8:30 am, 1 pm, and 7 pm. I think everybody should be able to make one of these times. I'll keep you posted as the week goes on...

Back at it tomorrow, get your rest today.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday Results

Better day yesterday with respect to form...but there is still room for improvement across the board. I'll be in the weight room today from 4-6ish. See some of you guys in there...

Top 10:

Felix 23
Grimshaw 23
Lawson 22
Hunter 22
Clements 22
Robusto 21
Jackson 21
Knowlton 21
Pappas 21
Klimesh 21
Haaf 21
Panozzo 21
Bogese 21

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wed. 9/9

No strength work today...

4 Rounds:
20 Pushups (Full range of motion = chest to ground/full extension at top)
15 Back Extensions*
10 GHD Situps*

*Do these on the Glute-ham developer (GHD). You guys may know this as the back extension machine down at the end of the weight room on both sides of the desk.

**My recommendation is to fly through your pushups and take your time on the situps and back extensions. I have seen people fall off this machine, be sure you are comfortable with it before you try and fly through the part of the workout that requires you to work on the GHD.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tuesday 9/8

Great job today on the testing. Remember, form is the most important part of this program. If you are performing at an intensity that doesn't allow you to maintain form on 90% of your reps, you need to take it back a notch and be sure you are going through the full range of motion while proper form. Partners, help each other out here... Don't let one another take a short-cut on a workout, you are only letting each other down by doing this.

I hope that this subject doesn't have to be brought up again. I don't want to walk in the weight room and see partial range of motion squats, pushups, pullups, etc. If you want to work on cleaning up form on lifts, let me know, but if you feel like you have a grip on what you are doing, get it done the right way.

3 x 5 Squat

-Try and improve on last week's weight
-Add weight on each set that you successfully complete

Alternating Tabata (:20 on/:10 off)
Side-t0-Side Jumps

*Do as many side to side jumps as possible in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, do as many air squats as possible in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, back to side to side jumps for 20, rest 10, squats for 20, rest for 10. Repeat this cycle until you have done 8 sets of each exercise. (8 min total)

**Below is a video of the side-to-side jumps. Notice where I am touching each rep. You must touch the corner of the platform on each side.

Results (Friday and Testing)

Friday's Results (7 Round Workout)

Felix 8:13
Lawson 9:03
Robusto 9:22
Jackson 9:54
Robertson 11:22
Grimshaw 11:22
Keiser 11:30
Knowlton 12:02
Pappas 12:36
Fink 12:41


Lawson 3:35
Jackson 4:00
Robusto 4:42
Keiser 4:43
Felix 4:55
Pappas 5:40
Walden 6:22
Solomon 6:37
Calbick 7:10
Frasier 7:50

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sunday-Day Off

Rest today. Testing Monday morning will start at 9:30 AM. Spread the word that the time changed from 9 to 9:30. There's a chance I have to teach a stupid class at the Y Monday morning if somebody can't pick my class up.

Certification went well today, I got destroyed by a workout. Pullups on fat bars are disgusting, be thankful that you don't have to deal with that. Oh well, back at it tomorrow...

"What you have give, because what you save, you lose forever"

Article (Any time I post an article, also think about how it pertains to baseball...this one sends a pretty strong message)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Saturday 9/5

Plyos followed by (4) 30 yd striders, increasing speed on each

Run 100 yds each minute on the minute for 10 minutes
- Example: If it takes you 13 secs to run the first 100yds you have 47 secs of rest before starting the 2nd sprint
- You will run a total of 10 sprints
- Each sprint is max effort, try and repeat your time every sprint

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Friday 9/4

Movement Prep
3 x 8 Overhead Squat
- Work on gradually improving form on this lift


-Dumbbell held in feet, ankles or knees. Whichever is more comfortable.

7 Rounds of:
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95 lbs
7 Pullups

- Get to the BOTTOM of a squat in the hang squat cleans. These will be a part of the test on Monday so get your form right. I'd recommend practicing before you start the WOD.

Thurs. 9/3 - Rest Day

Most of you guys probably woke up with sore lower backs today...that's pretty normal after a heavy deadlift day. For those of you who didn't get sore, you will soon enough once you move up in weight on the deadlift.

Couple things...

First, we will NOT be doing the testing on Friday. I am leaving for the weekend on Friday morning. The testing will be moved to Monday 9/7 at 9 am.

Next week we will also test 40 times and have a meeting about the workouts to cover a couple things and to field any questions you guys have so far. 40 testing will likely be Tuesday evening and the meeting will probably take place before Monday's testing, not positive on that one.



Wednesday Results

Of those who completed the workout with knees to elbows only...

Knowton 2:21
Robusto 2:30
Robertson 2:40
Fink 2:41
Solomon 2:52
Grimshaw 3:01
Jackson 3:01
Clendenning 3:10
Woodruff 3:16
Walden 3:16

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday Results

Grimshaw 23
Knowlton 23
Jackson 21
Paillet 21
Felix 20
Lawson 19
Pappas 19
Haaf 18
Francke 18
Robusto 18

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wed. 9/2

I think we can do a better job cleaning up the weight room. I know you guys are toast after you finish your workout, but be sure we are cleaning up after ourselves. Don't make me keep reminding you guys of this...

Another good day from what I saw. Guys competing their balls off, good to see. Just like yesterday tho, I did see a lot of form issues that need to be cleaned up. I know when you are in the middle of a workout you just want to get through the reps as fast as possible, but really focus on range of motion. Almost every person I watched today can get lower (and higher) in their air squats.

Grind through today and earn your day off Thursday. Finally, I will be moving the testing...most likely to Monday evening because I will be out of town this weekend and will be leaving Friday. I'll keep you updated.

Movement prep
3 x 8 Overhead Squat w/45 lb. bar

3 x 5 Deadlift
- Focus on form
- Work up to a 5 rep max weight you are comfortable with
- Must guide bar down to floor, no dropping from the top of the deadlift mid-set

KB/DB Swings (35-40 lbs)
- Knee raises are an option if you are unable to perform knees to elbows
- Be sure and put an asterisk next to your time on the board if you don't complete the workout as prescribed (doing all knees to elbows)


If you have any comments or questions about the workouts/articles, feel free to post. Have fun with this site. I made this for you guys, not for me.

Monday Results

Each day I will list the top 10...

Jackson 3:47
Frasier 3:50
Calbick 4:10
Bogese 4:15
Walden 4:19
Solomon 4:35
Haaf 4:35
Grimshaw 4:41
Knowlton 4:45
Keiser 4:45