Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monday 9/14

A quick word about strength work... Any time we do strength work I only want you guys to count work sets. These are the sets that you are actually reaching a weight near your 3-rep, 5-rep, or 1-rep max.
I'll use myself as an example as how I would approach today's strength work which will be 3 sets of 3 squats. After doing all of my movement prep work, I would load 135 on the bar and knock out 8 to 10 squats. Then move up to 185 for a set of 5, then 225 for a set of 5. From here I'd do 1 more set as I got ready for my work sets... probably a set of 3 at 275. Now is where I would actually start counting my work sets. If 275 went up pretty easily I might go with 295 for 3, then 305 for 3, then 315 for 3. You shouldn't be having huge jumps (40+lbs) in your work sets. If you do, this means you started off your work sets too light. Here's an overview of what the strength portion looked like here... (Work sets are in bold)

135 (10), 185 (5), 225 (5), 275 (3), 295 (3), 305 (3), 315 (3)

Everybody's day will be a little different, I just want to get the point across that work sets are exactly that, sets where you are really battling to get the weight up (but not at the expense of good form!)

3 x 3 Back Squat

3 Rounds:
20 KB/DB Swings (45 lbs)
20 Box Jump

***Scale weight as necessary


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