Monday, November 23, 2009

Tuesday 11/24

Couple things... I will continue posting workouts through the Thanksgiving break.  If you have access to the equipment required to do these workouts, do the prescribed workout.  If not, you guys are on your own for a few days, but be sure and get some work in during the break.  If any running is posted, you should be able to do it no matter where you are, so get this done.

We are moving into a new phase of the program, a more power specific phase.  We will be incorporating more explosive movements, if you have any questions be sure to ask me and I can come help you with these movements.  Also, as soon as you get back we will add agility workouts to the program so be ready for that when you get back.

5 @ 65% of 1RM
5 @ 75% of 1RM
5+ @ 85% of 1RM
- Do 10 (5 each leg) Explosive step ups upon completion of a set.  Rest 2 min after step ups.
- These are 3 different sets of 5.  1 RM = 1 Rep Max, get used to this terminology.  There is a chart in the weight room that gives percentages of 1 Rep Max which makes this process pretty easy.  If not, you guys are smart and can figure these weight out.  Base 1RM off of your last max effort lift.

4 x 8 Explosive Side-2-Side Jumps (4 sets of 4 each leg)
-Try and see how far you can go laterally.  Really load up between reps and explode of the plant leg)

Superset the next two exercises...
4 x 10 Step up to 1 legged RDL (4 sets of 5 each leg)
4 x 10 Pistols (4 sets of 5 each leg)
- Use the bench if you need support at the bottom of the squat, but only as support.

3 Rounds of as many clapping pushups as you can do.  After each round, hold a front plank for 1 min, then go on to the next round of pushups.


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