Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Couple Things

Feel like I need to clarify a few things...

This whole program is going to be based off of your 1 rep max.
(Freshman and sophomores, you guys won't really get into this part of the program until a little later, but this post still applies to you)
Instead of maxing out on the 3 core lifts, I want you guys to pick a weight that is 85% of what you think your max is.  After doing this, send me an email saying what weight used and how many reps you got for each lift.  I'll turn your email around and send you your calculated maxes that you will use for the program.

For example, if right now I feel like my squat max is 355, I would put 300 lbs on the bar and squat it as many times as possible... let's say I get 7 reps.  I would then email that I squatted 300 lbs for 7 reps and later find out that my calculated max is 370.  I have a formula that allows me to calculate your maxes using this information, so get this to me as soon as you can.

The maxes I send you will actually 10-15 lbs. lighter than they actually are, but I want you guys to have a cycle to get back into things full bore.  Trust me on this.  We'll be doing this program through the summer and fall so you'll have plenty of time to add weight as we move along.

Hopefully this clears things up, email me with any questions and your max info.


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