If you were able to successfully complete every lift of every set last week, up your maxes by 10-15 lbs. to increase the weight of each lift of this phase. Percentages will stay the same, but by increasing your maxes you will be able to continually add strength.
Core Lift
Back Squat
Set 1: 65% x 5 reps
Set 2: 75% x 5 reps
Set 3: 85% x 5 or more reps
Assistance Work
Superset 1:
3 sets of each
8 Pistols to a Bench
8 Good Mornings
Superset 2:
3 sets of each
8 DB Rows (as heavy as possible)
8 Weighted Pushups (weight on back)
8 Ab Rollouts (can be done with barbell)
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