Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wed. 10/28

I've gotten a couple messages from guys saying they need a few more days rest before they get going again with the strength program.  My suggestion is to take a few days rest if you need it, but if you are ready to get going again, let's jump back into it.  Consider the rest of this week optional if you need the rest, but next week be ready to do work.

3 x 5 Deadlift
3 x 8 Good Mornings

100 Pushups
-Every time you touch the ground, run a 30 yd sprint and resume pushups until you complete 100.
-For example...50 in a row, touch the ground, sprint, 20, touch the ground, sprint, 20, touch the ground, sprint, 10, done.

Post Deadlift weight and MetCon time


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