Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mon. 8/31

- Every day you will do normal warmup movements such as: arm swings, trunk twists, backward/forward/side leg swings, fire hydrants, straight-leg walking, forearm-to-instep lunges+hamstring stretch, drop could run through plyos in the gym before every workout if you'd like (as a matter of fact I highly recommend it)

- Also dedicate your warmup to practicing lifts/movements that you want to improve. For instance, I would recommend doing pullups on days that don't contain pullups in the workout. You guys should know which lifts you need work on... Don't ignore them. You need to practice these lifts in order to improve and get stronger.

- 3 x 5 Back Squats (Reads 3 sets of 5 squats)
- Work up to a weight you are comfortable with. Focus is on form here so don't stack the weight on unless you are VERY COMFORTABLE with the squat. Get to at least parallel on the squats. Every squat we do this year is expected to be a deep squat.
- Take a couple sets to get to the weight you want to work at. For example for this workout I would probably do a set of 8 at 135, then a set of 5-8 at 225, then start my 'work sets' with a set of 5 at 245. If I got that weight fairly easily, I would move up to 255 and maybe 265 on the final set. Again, work with a comfortable weight today to get your form down.

Box Jumps

-Do 10 burpees followed by 10 box jumps, 9 burpees, 9 box jumps, 8 burpees, 8 box jumps...all the way down to 1 burpee, 1 box jump
-I hope to have this posted on a dry erase board in the weight room tomorrow. If so, post there, if not, post a comment stating your time on the site.

Post any questions on the site or email me and I will answer asap.


Tim said...

When it says just squats are those always back squats?

Nick Vera said...

Yes, I will edit the post. Thank you Tim

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