Monday, August 31, 2009

Tues. 9/1

First of all... great job today. The groups that I saw worked their asses off and that is exactly how you should approach it each and every day. I'll say these two things... it doesn't get any easier and you can always push harder. There may be some movements that you would rather see in a workout over others, but regardless these workouts bury you. Know it ahead of time and prepare yourself mentally and physically every day.

Also, before I post today's workout... a word on form. Any time we do a movement, especially in the first month of the program, I want the emphasis to be on the quality of the movement. By this I mean we should be striving to obtain full range of motion (AT LEAST PARALLEL in the squat, chin over the bar on pullups and full extension at the bottom, chest to the ground and top range of motion on a pushup, hips reach full extension every of a box jump). It is important to learn these things early in the program before you increase the intensity with poor form. This is where I want partners correcting each other throughout the workout, and don't be afraid to do it!

Movement Prep/Plyos
3 x 6 Deadlift (Light - work on form, not strength)
- Video - I really like this guys warm-up. I implement a lot of what he does in my warm-up every day

3 x 5 Hang Clean
- Again, like the squat only go up to a weight you are comfortable with and can maintain good form

As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of:
5 Hang Cleans @ 95 lbs*
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
- 4 cycles of this circuit with 1 minute rest between sets
- You will post the total number of rounds completed
- Partial rounds do not count
- Start over with cleans every round, do not finish where you left off
* Only if you are comfortable with this weight, if not feel free to go lower. Do not go higher...

I'll try and post articles as often as possible. The more you guys can educate yourselves on the subjects of training, nutrition, rest, etc., the better.



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